Tuesday, November 30, 2021

They Fight Capitalism, Session 3

Everyone in the group is given rooms for the night where they can rest without having to deal with the swarm of cops that responded to light night's gun fight. The rooms are plain and barebones, but the beds are comfortable. The next morning dawns. The new day awaits.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod's morning ritual includes slowing opening and closing blinds or shutters (whatever lets or doesn't let light in the room) while taking pictures to test different light levels. He then looks through his previous days photos and sees what story it has to tell, and to see if any pictures need to be deleted. He then takes out his tablet and trys to get an agenda for the day. Pea Pod really likes structure.
Esta wakes up early and spends some time in contemplation then stretches, and runs through some very dance-like exercises in her room for about an hour and a half before cleaning herself up, packing and making her way outside to see what the day is like.
Doctor Skren would feel rather impatient nudges on her shoulder rather early. "Doctor.... Doctor. I know it's early, but please get up. The security forces are gone and we need to get moving again." Upon opening her eyes, she would see Hexe standing next to her bed, a faint smile in her eyes and probably around her lips as well, if her mouth were not covered by the always present oversized jacket. Skren's own clothes she may or may not have discarded last night before heading to sleep are folded and placed on the second unoccupied bed next to her, just like her recharged multi tool and the rest of their light luggage.
Dr. Skren
Skren groans. "Just five more minutes..." ...before getting up after all and trying to freshen up a little, being hungover as expected. After she cleared her head a bit she thanks Hexe for last night, although she's genuinely worried about how close she came to depleting her shield generator.
Arbiter Dox
Upon returning to the ground floor where the tavern is, the newcomers to Terry's Junction would find a modest group of locals here for breakfast. Behind the bar is a heavy set human woman with ruddy skin and long brown hair. She's wearing a simple red button up shirt with a loose robe over top. She's busily taking breakfast orders, rushing around with a yellow notebook and inkpen. https://pin.it/4wl4kxEPinterest
Hexe just hands the Doctor all the things she needs: toothbrush, comb and other necessities. She cares for her, but it is also simply faster this way until the fog in Skren's head has dissolved. She waits in front of the bathroom, checking window and door regularly.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod, after going through his notes he took yesterday gets his agenda set for the day. He dawns his camera and wanders downstairs to find out what this place can muster for nourishment.
walking through the people in the main room Esta nods at anyone that acknowledges her and steps outside for awhile to take in the morning.
Dr. Skren
When she's finally in a somewhat presentable stage again, the doctor semi-stumbles down the stairs, Hexe in tow and lured by the smell of breakfast.
Arbiter Dox
The space downstairs is full of the smells of breakfast foods. Lots of waffles with syrup, biscuits in a wide variety of configurations, sausage, bacon, eggs, grits. The woman behind the bar looks up as Pea Pod comes down. "Hey, one of last night's big damn heroes." She smiles and asks, "Somethin' for breakfast?" She gives a similar greeting to Skren and Esta when they arrive.
Pea Pod
"Who me?" Pea Pod puts his hand on his chest. "I am humbled ma'am. I simply was just in the right place at the wrong time." Pea Pod laughs then says, "I would love a nice pancake and some grits, got a busy day ahead."
Arbiter Dox
She jots down some notes and nods. "Give it a couple minutes."
Dr. Skren
"Something meaty and salty for me, I think, please. Don't worry about the girl" She nods at Hexe
Esta stops when the woman addresses her and "it was nothing.... breakfast would be nice" the smells swaying her, nods towards someone's plate w/biscuits and sausage. "something like that would be nice."
Arbiter Dox
The woman behind the counter takes all those notes down and gets the orders back to the kitchen. In short order breakfast is served. Skren is given a few slices of ham for her order. The food is filling and tasty. The waiter who comes with each person's food (a rotund young racoon man) delivers them each with a message. "Mr. Metalmender is working next door at the auto shop. He said he'd like to have a talk with you if you get some time."
"The nimbus of a local hero certainly does not help us." Hexe remarks while Skren is eating. "Let us meet up with our contact and move on swiftly."
Pea Pod
Hearing that Pea Pod thanks the man and quickly takes out his tablet and edits his agenda. Then he digs in to his meal.
Dr. Skren
"Yeahhh, well, at least they kept the fuzz away from us, so I'd say it's a net win" Skren responds between munching
Hexe doesn't seem convinced but does not voice her doubts.
Arbiter Dox
Nothing more bothers the newcomers, aside from the waiter occasionally asking if refills are needed.
Esta, sits quietly eating her meal half listening to the other.
Pea Pod
After Pea Pod has finished his meal and is getting ready leave he approaches Esta, Dr. Skren, and H.Ex.E. and asks "hey would yall mind if we could get a group photo? I am working on a documentary and need some more footage."
Esta finishes her food and sets her flatware and napkin neatly on top. She looks up when Pea Pod asks about the photo, "a documentary?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod nods and says, "I am working on something special." Pea Pod looks over his shoulder for a moment then turns back and says "I am trying to document cryptid activity."
"Let us also ask him whether there is some reward involved for getting rid of those thugs. We could use the money and this area does not quite look like our... usual services are requir---" Hexe speaks in a low voice to the Doctor but interrupts herself as Pea Pod approaches and listens to his request before she replies: "We refuse. You will not take any photographs for any reason of us..." Short pause. "...Sir." While her tone is indifferent, the statement certainly is not.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod says, "oh my apologies, I meant no offense. Just give me a holler if you want to be in an award wining documentary. I will be in town for awhile, and can use all the footage and help I can get." Pea Pod bows slightly and continues outside
Esta looks a little relived when the others say no to the photo, " I read an account of something called a Not Deer some time back is that the type of thing your documentary is about?"
Dr. Skren
Skren nods, then rubs her head and whispers "THanks for taking care of that. And I'm sorry for overdoing it last night."
Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks back at Esta and says "YES! would you like to help me document them?"
Hexe seems purse-lipped at that but does not reply to not attract the attention of the other two travellers again and disturb their conversation.
surprised by the offer stammers a little... "that sounds interesting" she pulls out her phone to see if she has any messages... "if i have the time, that sounds like a good way to get to know the area"
Arbiter Dox
Esta would find no new messages.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod says "awesome, here is my business card." He hands Esta a very flashy credit card sized piece of metal that reads Pea Pod Inc, and says all normal contact info on a business card. Then Pea Pod heads out the front door intended on meeting Mr. Metalhead.
A little startled Esta looks over at the remaining others, while pocketing the card... "are you intending to oblige Mr. Metalmender request? and if you are do you mind if I tag along?"
Dr. Skren
"Yeah, we were gonna meet with him anyway"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod stops at the door holding it open. Then he gestures with his arm towards the shop and says, "I need all the info I can get about this town. I am happy for the company."

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They Fight Capitalism, Session 7

The following afternoon is spent in relative ease as Murdock, Rawlins, and Marle figure out how to go about interviewing folks around town a...