Friday, January 7, 2022

They Fight Capitalism, Session 7

The following afternoon is spent in relative ease as Murdock, Rawlins, and Marle figure out how to go about interviewing folks around town about animal mutilations. After a few hours, Rawlins and Marle bring Hexe, Skren, and Pea Pod in on the plans. Murdock pulls Esta aside for the time being. The meeting takes place out in the bar's main room in the lazy hours between lunch and dinner. Rawlins and Marle have pulled up to one of the larger tables in the room. Rawlins starts the conversation, "Arright ya'll, here's what we came up with." Marle says, "We've got one major disadvantage: you guys are from outta town. We got one major advantage: You guys helped round up the Havocs and word's getting around town."
"The duality of man..." Hexe murmurs to herself.
Dr. Skren
"Considering the townfolks didn't tell y'all that shit, even though they should have, maybe being outsiders can be an advantage, too?"
Arbiter Dox
Rawlins continues. "I'mma get word out and try to get us a couple locals to try and help us out, but they won't be free to help us 'till tomorrow at th' soonest." Marle nods and says, "For a couple of 'em, yeah. We're hopin' you guys can talk to some of the farmhands actually." Rawlins finishes, "Couple th' locals who run the farms 're big Invisible Hand believers, and they ain't gonna talk to us. You'll have better luck tryin' to find info from the folks who work for 'em."
Hexe shifty-eyes the Doctor as the Church is mentioned, then side-eyes Pea Pod who seemed quite displeased about the government earlier to see his reaction.
Arbiter Dox
Marle also looks to Pea Pod, but for different reasons. "You talked to one a' th' farmhands right? Who again?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod is furiously tapping on his tablet, presumably taking notes. Pea Pod looks up from his tablet and says to Marle "Yes, I recall the fellows name was Chuck, a wolfman if that matters."
Arbiter Dox
Rawlins says, "I know the guy. He's alright." He looks to Marle and says, "Likes to come here on a Friday night, that's tomorrow." Marle nods an picks a pen stuck behind her ear out to take a quick note on a notebook in her lap. "Right." Rawlins says, "Right. We're gonna get on this tomorrow. I guess take it easy for t'night and we figure it out from there." Marle says, "I'll get you guys a map tomorrow a folks we need to talk to."
Dr. Skren
Skren nods
Arbiter Dox
Marle says, "I gotta get my work for the day finished." Rawlins says, "My turn workin' the bar's also comin' up. So, guess you three just hang out for a bit?" He looks to Hexe, Skren, and Pea Pod.
Hexe who was still looking at Pea Pod seems to realise the implication. As she faces the Doctor again she does not seem exactly pleased to spend the evening with... this particular person.
Dr. Skren
Skren look at Hexe and returns a sideways "Sorry" smile and a small shrug before responding "Yeah, I guess."
Arbiter Dox
Rawlins says to Marle, "Hey, on the way, I's wantin' to talk about--" The two stand and leave the other three to their own devices.
Dr. Skren
Skren thinks for a moment before stopping them. "Actually, since we were planning on helping out where we're needed, maybe you need help in the kitchen, or serving? The girl's got lots of energy!"
This suggestion earns Skren a kick on the shin. Serving in an inn is not exactly the best job if you want to stay undercover after all. "I can help in the kitchen if needed. If you value your intact glasses, I should probably not serve during the rush hours."
Dr. Skren
"Ow, point taken, ma'am"
Arbiter Dox
Rawlins says, "Oh, ah, we got folks already in place in th' kitchens... Thanks for th' offer though." No escape routes present themselves. The three are left at the table to their own devices.
Hexe looks after Marlen before the door closes behind her, then addresses the Doctor. "However, we should ask about the clothes before we head out tomorrow. While you look good in everything, we might as well carry neon signs with 'outsider' with us."
Dr. Skren
Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks over towards the two remaining at the table and asks "Do yall have any idea what the heck is going on?" "Any running hypothesis?"
Dr. Skren
"Someone's collecting cow parts to build a cyborg cow." Skren responds calmly "Nah, just pulling your leg. I have no clue"
Hexe has visibly difficulties to not giggle at the first part. "... a cow cyborg." She clears her throat (which may seem a bit drawling to Skren, as Hexe does not breathe) before she almost has herself under control again. "...right. Are you sure you are not the one looking for a side project?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks down at his tablet and taps something on it and says "we are at the start of this mystery anything goes. I could see a cyborg cow being a weird experiment someone wants to try. What about like a black market where they sell organs?"
Dr. Skren
Skren chuckles a bit at that "Hmm, organ trade's a thing, but who has any use for bovine guts?"
Pea Pod
"Maybe someone trying to pull one over on a client. They probably wouldn't live to be able to go after them when they found out it was cow organs."
Hexe's glance at Pea Pod is.... sceptical, to say the least. At first she thought him too nosey, but this is... downright stupid. "With all due respect..." Short pause. "...,Sir. But even for a child like me which still has a quite lively imagination this seems ridiculous." She bites her tongue to not start lecturing him regarding how ridiculous it is, the difference in size alone for example, as this would probably be quite ahead of her age. The whole topic in general is, now that she thinks about it...
Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks over to H.Ex.E. and says, "well we don't have much, but your probably right. I like to make up fun stories sometimes, sorry. Whats the old saying if the spaghetti sticks to the walls its done. I would say this spaghetti is sliding down that wall really fast."
Closely followed by Hexe's opinion of Pea Pod.
Dr. Skren
Skren has to hide a snicker listening to the conversation
Pea Pod
Pea Pod asks H.Ex.E. "actually that brings up a good point, as a child why are we allowing you in on these things?"
Dr. Skren
Skren locks eyes with Hexe for a second before turning to Pea Pod. "She can handle herself"
"Thank you for your concern, though. But for now it is just interviews, right? And if it should get really messy... I am sure the Doctor can handle it and I stay back a bit. I rather stay at her side than without supervision in a small village at world's end.... Sir."
Pea Pod
"Well now that I am remembering you did help us beat up some muggers. Pardon me I am not used to working with others very often." Pea Pod asks H.Ex.E. "are you going to be a doctor when you grow up?"
Hexe is baffled for a moment at the sudden change of topic. "I have not yet decided, Sir.", she replies swiftly - and actually truthfully for a change. "The Doctor's work definitely is interesting, but probably nothing for me."
Dr. Skren
Skren nods
Pea Pod
Pea Pod says "ah, what about the military? or I guess the underground version." "You made quick work of those gang members."
"Um... Sir.... should you really be making up such 'fun stories' as you called them earlier?"
Dr. Skren
The doctor stares intently at Pea Pod
Pea Pod
"Ahh I am always drifting into those, but you surely did handle those muggers. I am sure I have pictures."
"The highest kill count I currently have is in games I play when the Doctor is not at home. And that is... a tad different, isn't it? Also haven't we been clear earlier? No photos of us without permission. I may be underage but I know my rights!" Hexe pulls the joker that usually gets her out of such situations.
Pea Pod
"Not if your in a public." Pea Pod replies
Hexe sends a hopeful glance for help to the Doctor.
Pea Pod
"I guess I am just trying to make sure I don't end up like those cows or muggers, so I am trying to make sure the people I am working with arn't going to rip out my organs when I turn around."
Dr. Skren
"You got nothing to worry about unless you're asking for it"
While Hexe would be quite inclined to do so after this conversation, she does not voice those plans. "I am a underage girl, Sir. Not a danger to the public. Or you. Or cows. But please delete those photos."
Dr. Skren
"I'm gonna be honest with you. I mentioned bad experiences with government work before. The end of that... let's say burned those bridges. And that's why we can't have our photos in the papers. Understand?"
Pea Pod
"I aint no paper boy. I am working as my own business owner trying to tell the truth. What things are really happening."
Hexe narrows her eyes. That is exactly the problem after all.
Pea Pod
"The unexplained, the unknown.... the invisible hand. Those stories need to be told."
Dr. Skren
"You know, I agree. But you gotta always, always be sure not to endanger anyone you're working with. Or you'll regret it for the rest of your life" she says with a bitter tone
Pea Pod
"I dont post anything without consent from the parties involved. I am not a tabloid."
Hexe gently pets Skren's lower back so Pea Pod hopefully does not notice. She has a sad look in her eyes that is much harder to hide.
Pea Pod
"Doctor do you have any equipment with you that might help us? Being the robotics expert."
Dr. Skren
"I got my laptop, a toolkit and my multitool. That covers most of the basics. Pretty sure we could ask Murdock to use his shop, if necessary"
Pea Pod
"Can you build shit if we could get parts?" "I have worked on some of my stuff, like fixing my own camera. But I haven't built anything,"
"If you can afford it... The Doctor is a pro after all." And we could desperately use some money. Even his... she thinks to herself.
Dr. Skren
"Yeah, if we can get the parts"
Pea Pod
"Well money isnt a real issue, the parts are probably going to be an issue. What do you think of a drone? Is that something you could possibly make?"
"Does being a reporter pay this well?" Hexe wants to know. "Maybe I should consider this line of work after all if it does."
Pea Pod
"Well it pays well when you are finding out that aliens are real for example and the like, everyone wants to see that shit."
"Are they?"
Dr. Skren
"Drone sounds doable. Motors and controllers for that shouldn't be an issue to find, either, but a camera, the remote control chips and the sensors for stability will probably be harder to find. Let alone a microcontroller to process all of it. Don't think we'll find any electronics stores around here"
Pea Pod
"Just remember money isn't everything and it doesnt buy happiness but it does make life easier. I would love to dig around to find these things if you would be willing to help. I bet this would really help us in this case." "Unless we want to try to make a jetpack." Pea Pod laughs out loud "There I go again."
Dr. Skren
"Yeah, those things are garbage, 98% of the time. And are extremely difficult to use. Anyway..." Skren looks at Hexe to gauge how badly she'll react if the doctor agrees to help.
Hexe seems rather glad that the topic finally steered away from more sensitive topics.
Dr. Skren
"Yeah, let's do this. I mean... 's what Rawlins and Marle asked for anyway. If I can build something to make this smoother sailing and you can cover the parts and labor, I see no reason not to."
Pea Pod
"Swell, I honestly think if we go out of our way to show we really are trying to figure this out anyway we can they will be even happier with us and maybe a bigger reward. But as I said money isn't everything. And I have been trying to get a drone forever, it would take great shots!"
Dr. Skren
"If we can get a decent camera module. I doubt you'll want the ol' 640x480 shitty webcam quality type of photos." she snickers
Pea Pod
Pea Pod visually cringes. "Oh god don't remind me of those dark times."
Hexe does not speak up here. She would not know much about those anyway, would she? Adults rambling about 'the old days' is not particularly interesting to a girl like her after all.
Pea Pod
"Doctor do you write code or create AI's?" "I guess I am asking where does your tech knowledge end?"
Hexe sighs. So much for sensitive topics...
Dr. Skren
"We- I can do coding. AI's of course a much bigger thing."
Pea Pod
"Thats funny I had trouble with coding, but I got the idea of AI's really easily. I often use them to help with my films." "They do a lot of cleaning up shots, and making it look pretty."
Dr. Skren
"Working with one is way different from creating one"
Pea Pod
"Oh correct, the one I use I made myself. I named it Psycho after the famous horror movie."
Dr. Skren
"Huh, color me impressed"
Hexe would not have been surprised if he named it after himself. Or maybe he did, given that name. She lets the two do the talking. It is Skren's line of work after all, even though she can or rather would hardly brag with it here.
Pea Pod
"I can show you how it works sometime if you would like." "Or how I made it if you want."
Dr. Skren
"Yeah I'm down"
Hexe resists the urge to roll her eyes. As long as she will not be dragged into this again. How does the Doctor have the brass neck to deal with this person?
Pea Pod
"Awesome, just text me when you want to see it."
Dr. Skren
"Will do, when we have some time"
Arbiter Dox

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They Fight Capitalism, Session 7

The following afternoon is spent in relative ease as Murdock, Rawlins, and Marle figure out how to go about interviewing folks around town a...