Saturday, November 20, 2021

They Fight Capitalism, session 2


The apparent leader of the Havocs points his gun to Murdock and pulls the trigger. He deflects the projectile easily with the back of his mechanical arm.
One of the thugs--a woman in a hooded jacket wearing a face mask--immediately jumps toward Murdock with a knife in one hand and a pistol in the other. "Leave him to me. You fight those other people."
The bulldog leader replies, "Since when do you give--"
Murdock promptly punches him in the face through the truck's window, quickly silencing him.

As Murdock escalates the conflict, Hexe switches immediately into combat mode. There is no longer any slack in her minimalist movements. She raises her arms aiming for the leader of the gang to take out their long range capacities which would likely be most harmful to the Doctor and herself.

Arbiter Dox
The shot hits home easily, taking the bulldog by surprise in the shoulder. He immediately breaks off from fighting Murdock and tries to duck down into his seat.

While her oversized jacket's long sleeves block the vision, a shot emerges from them after a barely visibly correction factoring in the new location of her target after it has been punched in his face.
While there is little to no recoil, some dust on the street is blown up in its wake.

Arbiter Dox
The Shooter struggles out of his truck and puts it between himself and Hexe. He pops out long enough to send a return shot at her.

Her line of sight impaired by the ruck, Hexe realises the return shot extremely late. A short surge of energy can be felt by the Doctor next to her while the bullet is deflected into the pub's wall.

Escrima sticks out Esta slide to the right sticking to the shadows and ducking behind vehicles.

Arbiter Dox
Esta is able to sneak between cars while everyone's attention is on the guns going off, hiding in the shadows.

Dr. Skren
Skren rushes towards Hexe and curses as she gets out her multitool. "Dammit girl, this is what I mean when I say 'be careful'. Are you okay?"
She quickly gives Hexe's shield generator a boost, recharging it fully. 

Hexe running on full-combat-mode does not even react, but is apparently okay.

Pea Pod
Pea Pod walks to a nearby parked car leans on the roof and moves his camera that was around his neck up to his eye. Then he looks through the viewfinder and locates the thug closest to him and snaps a picture.
An unnatural blackness surrounds the thug and just seems to take the life force from them

Arbiter Dox
The thug shouts in fear as his vision is suddenly obscured.
A stocky warhog-man pulls a grenade and throws it at Murdock.
The stonebrother twists the wrist of his mechanical arm unnaturally, and it projects a kinetic barrier over him. "Are you seriously throwing fucking grenades in my parking lot?" The barrier protects him easily as the projectile explodes.
The woman with the sword and gun curses as this and says, "Leave the rock to me, idiot!"
The thug that Pea Pod struck shouts, "Fuck this!" and bolts.
The other is less intimidated and instead approaches the group, activating a shield generator on his belt as he advances.
It's the man with the switchblade who shook down Skren and Hexe. He brandishes the knife towards Skren and says, "Looks like I'm about to add me a fancy little robot to my haul."
Two more thugs approach, but are quickly intercepted by Rawlins. The barkeep says, "Nonlethal if you can, folks! I know this guy's uncle." He punctuates "this guy" by shooting one of the approaching thugs in the foot.
The assassin woman swipes at Murdock and follows it up with a shot from her pistol. The large man looks like he actually has to put some effort into it this time, but he deflects the attacks with the same shield he used for the grenade.

The return shot confirmed her evaluation from earlier. The hunting rifle the bulldog wields may be old, but that does not make it any less lethal and needs to be removed from the equation.
Her attention turns towards the thug who collected their money earlier.
She rushes at him, a sweeping kick on his legs followed by her elbow in the thug's stomach while he is still mid-air to make him reconsider his target choice.

Arbiter Dox
The thug manages to roll out of reach and get back to his feet, but he needs a moment to get his wind back.
Clearly shaken by how badly the fight seems to be going for his posse, the bulldog takes another shot at Hexe. It is far less effective than the first.

While the shot rustles her hair as close as it passes her, she dodges it instead of relying on shielding this time.

realizing that Murdock struggled to deflect that last blow she maneuvers her way between him and the woman, using her body to provide him with cover 

Arbiter Dox
Murdock seems visibly taken aback by this. The assassin growls and tries to dart past her, but Esta is ready for this and intercepts her.

Dr. Skren
Dr. Skren sneers at the thug "You like the fancy little robot? Too bad. Looks like she doesn't like you. And neither do I, for that matter."
She then points the multitool at him and presses a few buttons

Arbiter Dox
The thug shrieks in pain as he's jolted by the modded multitool. He's still standing, but looking a lot less certain of his position.

Pea Pod
Seeing the thug give this cool kid a hard time Pea Pod turns his camera towards it and snaps another picture. Then he runs up to another vehicle and leans on it for stability.

Arbiter Dox
As the lifedraining darkness envolopes him, the thug grits his teeth. He looks like he's not got much left at this point.
The grenadier hog turns to the group at the door and approaches, bearing another explosive. This one looks home made. It explodes near Hexe and Skren.
The haggard thug stands back for long enough to be clear of the Boomer's projectile, and then goes for a stab on Hexe.
Given no clear alternatives, the assassin moves to strike at Esta, raking with her blade.

Hexe tries to get herself between the explosive and the Doctor and manages to before it explodes which leaves her open to the switchblade aimed at her. Now she is the one gritting her teeth as it almost hits her body, but at least the Doctor is safe.

Arbiter Dox
Esta is able to block the incoming attack for Murdock, who takes the opportunity to hold his hand up, palm forward at his assailant. An energy projectile fires from his prosthetic, slamming into the assassin and sending her flying backwards. 

Despite two grave hits, Hexe remains combat-ready and grabs the thug's wrist holding the switchblade with one hand. She twists it in a fluent movement, disarming him  while the palm of her other hand comes to rest at his chest. After a split second, a visible impact shakes the Thug who collapses in front of her.

Arbiter Dox
The bulldog sees how the fight is going and fucking bolts.

moving after the assassin, she swings at the woman hits her but misses with the 2nd strike, a brief looks of irritation flashes on Esta's face. 

Dr. Skren
Skren gets closer to Hexe, points her multitool at her again to recharge her shield and whispers "I... thank you for shielding me... I'm so sorry you keep having to do that..."

Hexe turns around, a sad look on her face before she nods reassuringly at the Doctor before she focuses on the fight again.

Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks through his viewfinder sees Rawlins and he takes another picture but this time the darkness just surrounds him, almost like it created a bit of a barrier. Then Pea Pod turns a little bit and gets one of the thugs in front of Rawlins in the viewfinder and snaps a picture. The darkness shoots out of the lenses and imparts on the thug pain and anguish

Arbiter Dox
The afflicted thug looks up to Pea Pod as the picture is taken. To add to the bad time Pea Pod brings him, Rawlins follows up by snapping on his safety, flipping his grip on the gun so that he's holding it by the barrel, and pistol whips the shit out of that thug, knocking him out. 
The Boomer, now surrounded and practically alone, holds up his hands in surrender.
The assassin stagers backwards to try to get out of Esta's reach. "Buncha fucking worthless dipshits," she growls as the last of her backup surrenders. She tosses down an object that causes a bright flash of light, temporarily dazzling anyone looking right at her, before she vanishes under a cloaking device.

Esta steps forward to go after the assassin, then stops as she disappears....

Arbiter Dox
Murdock shields his eyes, keeping his prosthetic arm extended as he looks around for the assassin. After a moment, he lowers it. "Think she's gone." 
More than half of the Havoc gang is left wounded in the pub's parking lot.
Rawlins looks around and says, "Sheeee-it. What a mess..."
Murdock approaches Esta and nods. "Thanks for the assist there."

She nods back and quietly says "it wasn't any trouble" and takes a step back towaes the pub.

Arbiter Dox
Rawlins walks over to Skren and Hexe. "You alright?"

Hexe is still looking at the position where the woman vanished and leaves the talking to the Doctor. She checks the thug at her feet who still seems to be knocked out. After a moment, she is back at that rat woman's side.

Dr. Skren
Skren slaps her own cheeks a bit to ward off the tipsiness. "Yeah, we're fine. This kinda thing happen often?"

Arbiter Dox
Murdock replies, "Well, I appreciate it all the same."
He turns his attention towards Pea Pod. "Some snazzy camera work there, friend."

Hexe's eyes turn towards the camera as well. That thing, that person can be dangerous.

Arbiter Dox
Rawlins shakes his head. "Not often, but it ain't the first time. Fuckin' cops around here are worthless."

Dr. Skren
"No surprise there" she replies

Arbiter Dox
The ratman adds, "Speakin' of, they're probably on the way as we speak. If you're someone who'd rather stay outta their sight, better let us know now so we can stow ya."

Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks up from the camera display. "Thanks, its kinda a hobby."

Hexe nudges the Doctor subtly at those words.

Dr. Skren
"Good call. That's a yes."

Arbiter Dox
Murdock smirks at Pea Pod's reply. "Hell've a hobby you got there."
Rawlins and Murdock get together, exchange fist bumps, and confer with each other privately for a moment. When they're done, they go to the rest of the group. Rawlins speaks up. "First've all, you ain't payin' for any food, drinks, or rooms for t'night at least. All on the house. Murdock'll talk to the po-po, I can take ya'll back in the pub and show you a spot they won't harass ya."

Pea Pod
Pea Pod nods approvingly, and says "thank you."

Arbiter Dox
Murdock checks the back of the truck, where the Havocs' loot is left. "Blugh, gotta figure out who had what. What a pain in the ass."

Spotting the bag of stolen goodies Esta walls over and grabs it pulling out her minimal cash and offers it to the others.

Dr. Skren
Skren looks at Hexe and nods.

A rather monotonous and mumbled 'Thank you' can be heard from her.

Arbiter Dox
Over the next hour or two, several things happen. All hectic and disorganized and disheveled, but eventually they get done.
First, Rawlins guides the group into a back room where he says the police won't bother them.
Then he works on getting the stolen property redistributed to the bar patrons.
Meanwhile Murdock talks to the police. For a very long time.
Afterward, the cars caught in the crossfire are evaluated. A few people get to be very annoyed about the grenade shrapnel in their cars.
But eventually the chaotic night comes to a close.
And thus are a group of four newcomers welcomed to the town of Terry's Crossing. 

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They Fight Capitalism, Session 7

The following afternoon is spent in relative ease as Murdock, Rawlins, and Marle figure out how to go about interviewing folks around town a...