Friday, January 7, 2022

They Fight Capitalism, Session 7

The following afternoon is spent in relative ease as Murdock, Rawlins, and Marle figure out how to go about interviewing folks around town about animal mutilations. After a few hours, Rawlins and Marle bring Hexe, Skren, and Pea Pod in on the plans. Murdock pulls Esta aside for the time being. The meeting takes place out in the bar's main room in the lazy hours between lunch and dinner. Rawlins and Marle have pulled up to one of the larger tables in the room. Rawlins starts the conversation, "Arright ya'll, here's what we came up with." Marle says, "We've got one major disadvantage: you guys are from outta town. We got one major advantage: You guys helped round up the Havocs and word's getting around town."
"The duality of man..." Hexe murmurs to herself.
Dr. Skren
"Considering the townfolks didn't tell y'all that shit, even though they should have, maybe being outsiders can be an advantage, too?"
Arbiter Dox
Rawlins continues. "I'mma get word out and try to get us a couple locals to try and help us out, but they won't be free to help us 'till tomorrow at th' soonest." Marle nods and says, "For a couple of 'em, yeah. We're hopin' you guys can talk to some of the farmhands actually." Rawlins finishes, "Couple th' locals who run the farms 're big Invisible Hand believers, and they ain't gonna talk to us. You'll have better luck tryin' to find info from the folks who work for 'em."
Hexe shifty-eyes the Doctor as the Church is mentioned, then side-eyes Pea Pod who seemed quite displeased about the government earlier to see his reaction.
Arbiter Dox
Marle also looks to Pea Pod, but for different reasons. "You talked to one a' th' farmhands right? Who again?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod is furiously tapping on his tablet, presumably taking notes. Pea Pod looks up from his tablet and says to Marle "Yes, I recall the fellows name was Chuck, a wolfman if that matters."
Arbiter Dox
Rawlins says, "I know the guy. He's alright." He looks to Marle and says, "Likes to come here on a Friday night, that's tomorrow." Marle nods an picks a pen stuck behind her ear out to take a quick note on a notebook in her lap. "Right." Rawlins says, "Right. We're gonna get on this tomorrow. I guess take it easy for t'night and we figure it out from there." Marle says, "I'll get you guys a map tomorrow a folks we need to talk to."
Dr. Skren
Skren nods
Arbiter Dox
Marle says, "I gotta get my work for the day finished." Rawlins says, "My turn workin' the bar's also comin' up. So, guess you three just hang out for a bit?" He looks to Hexe, Skren, and Pea Pod.
Hexe who was still looking at Pea Pod seems to realise the implication. As she faces the Doctor again she does not seem exactly pleased to spend the evening with... this particular person.
Dr. Skren
Skren look at Hexe and returns a sideways "Sorry" smile and a small shrug before responding "Yeah, I guess."
Arbiter Dox
Rawlins says to Marle, "Hey, on the way, I's wantin' to talk about--" The two stand and leave the other three to their own devices.
Dr. Skren
Skren thinks for a moment before stopping them. "Actually, since we were planning on helping out where we're needed, maybe you need help in the kitchen, or serving? The girl's got lots of energy!"
This suggestion earns Skren a kick on the shin. Serving in an inn is not exactly the best job if you want to stay undercover after all. "I can help in the kitchen if needed. If you value your intact glasses, I should probably not serve during the rush hours."
Dr. Skren
"Ow, point taken, ma'am"
Arbiter Dox
Rawlins says, "Oh, ah, we got folks already in place in th' kitchens... Thanks for th' offer though." No escape routes present themselves. The three are left at the table to their own devices.
Hexe looks after Marlen before the door closes behind her, then addresses the Doctor. "However, we should ask about the clothes before we head out tomorrow. While you look good in everything, we might as well carry neon signs with 'outsider' with us."
Dr. Skren
Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks over towards the two remaining at the table and asks "Do yall have any idea what the heck is going on?" "Any running hypothesis?"
Dr. Skren
"Someone's collecting cow parts to build a cyborg cow." Skren responds calmly "Nah, just pulling your leg. I have no clue"
Hexe has visibly difficulties to not giggle at the first part. "... a cow cyborg." She clears her throat (which may seem a bit drawling to Skren, as Hexe does not breathe) before she almost has herself under control again. "...right. Are you sure you are not the one looking for a side project?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks down at his tablet and taps something on it and says "we are at the start of this mystery anything goes. I could see a cyborg cow being a weird experiment someone wants to try. What about like a black market where they sell organs?"
Dr. Skren
Skren chuckles a bit at that "Hmm, organ trade's a thing, but who has any use for bovine guts?"
Pea Pod
"Maybe someone trying to pull one over on a client. They probably wouldn't live to be able to go after them when they found out it was cow organs."
Hexe's glance at Pea Pod is.... sceptical, to say the least. At first she thought him too nosey, but this is... downright stupid. "With all due respect..." Short pause. "...,Sir. But even for a child like me which still has a quite lively imagination this seems ridiculous." She bites her tongue to not start lecturing him regarding how ridiculous it is, the difference in size alone for example, as this would probably be quite ahead of her age. The whole topic in general is, now that she thinks about it...
Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks over to H.Ex.E. and says, "well we don't have much, but your probably right. I like to make up fun stories sometimes, sorry. Whats the old saying if the spaghetti sticks to the walls its done. I would say this spaghetti is sliding down that wall really fast."
Closely followed by Hexe's opinion of Pea Pod.
Dr. Skren
Skren has to hide a snicker listening to the conversation
Pea Pod
Pea Pod asks H.Ex.E. "actually that brings up a good point, as a child why are we allowing you in on these things?"
Dr. Skren
Skren locks eyes with Hexe for a second before turning to Pea Pod. "She can handle herself"
"Thank you for your concern, though. But for now it is just interviews, right? And if it should get really messy... I am sure the Doctor can handle it and I stay back a bit. I rather stay at her side than without supervision in a small village at world's end.... Sir."
Pea Pod
"Well now that I am remembering you did help us beat up some muggers. Pardon me I am not used to working with others very often." Pea Pod asks H.Ex.E. "are you going to be a doctor when you grow up?"
Hexe is baffled for a moment at the sudden change of topic. "I have not yet decided, Sir.", she replies swiftly - and actually truthfully for a change. "The Doctor's work definitely is interesting, but probably nothing for me."
Dr. Skren
Skren nods
Pea Pod
Pea Pod says "ah, what about the military? or I guess the underground version." "You made quick work of those gang members."
"Um... Sir.... should you really be making up such 'fun stories' as you called them earlier?"
Dr. Skren
The doctor stares intently at Pea Pod
Pea Pod
"Ahh I am always drifting into those, but you surely did handle those muggers. I am sure I have pictures."
"The highest kill count I currently have is in games I play when the Doctor is not at home. And that is... a tad different, isn't it? Also haven't we been clear earlier? No photos of us without permission. I may be underage but I know my rights!" Hexe pulls the joker that usually gets her out of such situations.
Pea Pod
"Not if your in a public." Pea Pod replies
Hexe sends a hopeful glance for help to the Doctor.
Pea Pod
"I guess I am just trying to make sure I don't end up like those cows or muggers, so I am trying to make sure the people I am working with arn't going to rip out my organs when I turn around."
Dr. Skren
"You got nothing to worry about unless you're asking for it"
While Hexe would be quite inclined to do so after this conversation, she does not voice those plans. "I am a underage girl, Sir. Not a danger to the public. Or you. Or cows. But please delete those photos."
Dr. Skren
"I'm gonna be honest with you. I mentioned bad experiences with government work before. The end of that... let's say burned those bridges. And that's why we can't have our photos in the papers. Understand?"
Pea Pod
"I aint no paper boy. I am working as my own business owner trying to tell the truth. What things are really happening."
Hexe narrows her eyes. That is exactly the problem after all.
Pea Pod
"The unexplained, the unknown.... the invisible hand. Those stories need to be told."
Dr. Skren
"You know, I agree. But you gotta always, always be sure not to endanger anyone you're working with. Or you'll regret it for the rest of your life" she says with a bitter tone
Pea Pod
"I dont post anything without consent from the parties involved. I am not a tabloid."
Hexe gently pets Skren's lower back so Pea Pod hopefully does not notice. She has a sad look in her eyes that is much harder to hide.
Pea Pod
"Doctor do you have any equipment with you that might help us? Being the robotics expert."
Dr. Skren
"I got my laptop, a toolkit and my multitool. That covers most of the basics. Pretty sure we could ask Murdock to use his shop, if necessary"
Pea Pod
"Can you build shit if we could get parts?" "I have worked on some of my stuff, like fixing my own camera. But I haven't built anything,"
"If you can afford it... The Doctor is a pro after all." And we could desperately use some money. Even his... she thinks to herself.
Dr. Skren
"Yeah, if we can get the parts"
Pea Pod
"Well money isnt a real issue, the parts are probably going to be an issue. What do you think of a drone? Is that something you could possibly make?"
"Does being a reporter pay this well?" Hexe wants to know. "Maybe I should consider this line of work after all if it does."
Pea Pod
"Well it pays well when you are finding out that aliens are real for example and the like, everyone wants to see that shit."
"Are they?"
Dr. Skren
"Drone sounds doable. Motors and controllers for that shouldn't be an issue to find, either, but a camera, the remote control chips and the sensors for stability will probably be harder to find. Let alone a microcontroller to process all of it. Don't think we'll find any electronics stores around here"
Pea Pod
"Just remember money isn't everything and it doesnt buy happiness but it does make life easier. I would love to dig around to find these things if you would be willing to help. I bet this would really help us in this case." "Unless we want to try to make a jetpack." Pea Pod laughs out loud "There I go again."
Dr. Skren
"Yeah, those things are garbage, 98% of the time. And are extremely difficult to use. Anyway..." Skren looks at Hexe to gauge how badly she'll react if the doctor agrees to help.
Hexe seems rather glad that the topic finally steered away from more sensitive topics.
Dr. Skren
"Yeah, let's do this. I mean... 's what Rawlins and Marle asked for anyway. If I can build something to make this smoother sailing and you can cover the parts and labor, I see no reason not to."
Pea Pod
"Swell, I honestly think if we go out of our way to show we really are trying to figure this out anyway we can they will be even happier with us and maybe a bigger reward. But as I said money isn't everything. And I have been trying to get a drone forever, it would take great shots!"
Dr. Skren
"If we can get a decent camera module. I doubt you'll want the ol' 640x480 shitty webcam quality type of photos." she snickers
Pea Pod
Pea Pod visually cringes. "Oh god don't remind me of those dark times."
Hexe does not speak up here. She would not know much about those anyway, would she? Adults rambling about 'the old days' is not particularly interesting to a girl like her after all.
Pea Pod
"Doctor do you write code or create AI's?" "I guess I am asking where does your tech knowledge end?"
Hexe sighs. So much for sensitive topics...
Dr. Skren
"We- I can do coding. AI's of course a much bigger thing."
Pea Pod
"Thats funny I had trouble with coding, but I got the idea of AI's really easily. I often use them to help with my films." "They do a lot of cleaning up shots, and making it look pretty."
Dr. Skren
"Working with one is way different from creating one"
Pea Pod
"Oh correct, the one I use I made myself. I named it Psycho after the famous horror movie."
Dr. Skren
"Huh, color me impressed"
Hexe would not have been surprised if he named it after himself. Or maybe he did, given that name. She lets the two do the talking. It is Skren's line of work after all, even though she can or rather would hardly brag with it here.
Pea Pod
"I can show you how it works sometime if you would like." "Or how I made it if you want."
Dr. Skren
"Yeah I'm down"
Hexe resists the urge to roll her eyes. As long as she will not be dragged into this again. How does the Doctor have the brass neck to deal with this person?
Pea Pod
"Awesome, just text me when you want to see it."
Dr. Skren
"Will do, when we have some time"
Arbiter Dox

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

They Fight Capitalism, Session 6

Pea Pod and Esta make it back to Murdock's bar in the early afternoon. Meanwhile Skren and Hexe have had some time to get acclimated. Asking around, Pea Pod and Esta would be directed to the auto-shop next door for finding Murdock. Meanwhile as Hexe and Skren emerge from the bunker, they'd find Murdock hard at work on repairing another car damaged in the previous night's fighting.
"Is there anything we can help with?" Hexe asks Murdock. She watched him work for a minute or two before mustering the courage to ask. And checking whether Marle is around to dislike her attempt to work.
Arbiter Dox
"Nah, got a part-timer on th' way whose gonna help me get through this."
"Right." An awkward silence is filled by working noise. Hexe seems a bit lost with literally nothing to do, so she now faces Skren in a silent question for orders, help... anything, really.
Dr. Skren
"I guess we'll be out looking for some work, then, huh?"
Arbiter Dox
Voltorb dramattically reduces the volume of its music playing as it says, "Approaching people." Pea Pod and Esta can see Murdock in the autoshop with a blue car placed over one of the jacks, quietly working on a hole in one of its doors. Dr. Skren and Hexe are nearby speaking to each other. The music player starts playing a bass heavy, meandering piece of psychedelic music.
Arbiter Dox
He glances up from his work as Pea Pod speaks, then goes right back to it as he replies. "Yeah? Anythin' more interesting than an animal attack?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod replies "it looks like it is something alright, I am not sure what. But it aint no animal I ever seen."
Arbiter Dox
This makes Murdock pause for a moment. "What happened?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod describes what he saw.
Dr. Skren
Skren also stopped talking to Hexe and is listening somewhat inconspicuously
Arbiter Dox
As the story ends, Murdock mutters, "No shit? Heard it was weird, but not THAT weird. Gimme a sec." He steps away from his work and pulls out a smartphone--though the device would be sized closer to a small tablet for the average user. The group hears one side of a conversation. "..." "'Ey, Rawlins. Guy from last night just got back from talkin' to Goat Kyle." "..." "Yeah, he did. Weird stuff." "..." Murdock gives a quick description of the state of the corpses Pea Pod reports. "...!" Rawlin's voice can be heard, though not understood. "Yeah but since when does that asshole listen to a single word he hears?" "..." "Right. Gotcha. Talk to you later." Murdock hangs up, pockets his phone, and picks right back up where he left off. As he works, he says to Pea Pod and Esta, "Ya'll mind stickin' around to tell Rawlins an' Marle th' story later?"
I'm fine with that
Pea Pod
Pea Pod says "yea I have footage I can edit so I will be here for a while."
I took some notes
Arbiter Dox
"I appreciate it," Murdock says. "Rawlins usually ain' free from his farm work 'til around 4:00 or so. Y' want ya'll can head over to th' pub for a late lunch while we wait for him t' get free?"
Pea Pod
"Will do, thank you." Replies Pea Pod
Arbiter Dox
He looks over to Hexe and Skren. "Offer applies t' you two as well."
Dr. Skren
"I'm down. Also, we couldn't help but overhear the story. What the actual fuck?"
Arbiter Dox
Murdock shakes his head. "Hell if I know."
Hexe is less concerned with the story, but with the issue of having to deal with the nosey photographer again. However, instead about worrying about him just now, she tries to make sense of what he reported. And be it only to see him and his story crumble.
Dr. Skren
"Guess we could... stick around when they retell the story later. In any case, I'm hungry. Let's go to the pub, okay?" Skren asks Hexe
"...right. Lead the way. I am not really hungry, though." Hexe who got a bit lost in her thoughts confirms and follows the doctor. She resists the urge to keep an eye on Pea Pod and his camera to not raise any suspicion and just follows the doctor.
Esta nods waves and heads back towards the pub.
Arbiter Dox
The pub area is sparsely populated at the moment; one pair of men in trucker hats are having a slow meal and conversation at one table, and there are two other tables taken up by a single customer each. Marle is behind the bar reading a novel at the moment. She looks up as the group comes in and says, "Lunchtime?"
Hexe raises her hands in defence half-heartedly to not even give Marle or Rawlins a chance to pursue the topic much further before she heads for the table where they were robbed not long ago.
Dr. Skren
"Lunchtime indeed." the doctor responds. "Well, for us three, I assume" she says as she looks at Pea Pod and Esta
Pea Pod
Pea Pod nods as he fumbles with his tablet and camera
Lunch seems like a good idea
Arbiter Dox
Marle nods and writes down everyone's order as they come. Once done, she moves to a window to the kitchen and places the orders down. "Out in a bit."
Esta glances over at Dr. Skren & Hexe" did you guys find what you need?"
Dr. Skren
"We did"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod asks Dr. Skren " Are you a medical doctor?"
Dr. Skren
"Robotics and medicine, a bit more of the former"
Pea Pod
"Ahh, well still what is your opinion on the events I described?"
Dr. Skren
"As I said in the workshop... my opinion is pretty much 'what the actual fuck?' I can't make sense of it at all. Why would someone steal cow parts like that?"
Pea Pod
"Right, I can't figure it out either. I wonder if there were any other places that this might have happened? Maybe we need to stake out a place and see if we can catch the event live."
Dr. Skren
"I admit I am kinda curious what the hell's going on here"
"I am sure they will get to the bottom of it." Hexe hurries to add.
Raises an eyebrow "they?"
Pea Pod
"I feel like we are missing one major piece, but we might get more from Rawlings hopefully."
"You two are not working together on this?" Hexe adapts and twists her words that were meant as not-so-gentle reminder for the Doctor to not let her scientific curiosity get the better of her.
Dr. Skren
"Ah" Skren nods towards Hexe. "Yeah, yeah, we shouldn't intrude"
Arbiter Dox
The group's food arrives.
Hexe just sits there to make it seem the most normal thing in the world that she didn't order anything.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod starts slurping up some corn chowder, as he flick's through his pictures and video's on his tablet.
Dr. Skren
Skren is quick to dig into her meaty stew to avoid conversation.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod turns his tablet towards the table and says, "does this look like anything?"
Esta digs in to her plate and glances over at what Pea Pod brings up
Dr. Skren
Skren also looks up at the tablet
Pea Pod
"Is that something on the tree? A marking?" "I kinda see a letter maybe? is it a word? maybe a C?" "capitalism? maybe. I could be seeing things. You know the old saying your eyes are playing tricks on ya."
Hexe who had a look earlier now leans back. Grasping on straws is one thing, but now this guy is really pushing it.
Esta leans closer to get a better look
Arbiter Dox
It's a stretch, a set of scratches on the bark. The photograph is of good quality, but the 'symbol' being photographed is vague. The mark could have been done with claws or a knife. It has a 'C' shape to it for sure, but was that intentional? Hard to say.
"It does look like a C" shrugs "could mean anything"
Dr. Skren
"Could just be cows, all things considered"
Pea Pod
"Oh yea!"
Dr. Skren
"Or crazy, which is what the perpetrator probably was"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod chuckles, then turns the tablet back and puts it away. "I really appreciate the help. Dr. Skren do you provide robot repair services?"
Dr. Skren
"Well, I guess we'll be staying here for a while. I can do that."
Pea Pod
"Well I was wondering more if you were running a business?"
Dr. Skren
"Oh, no, we do uh... contract work. And we are just in the are until we got another big job somewhere else" Skren looks at Hexe for approval of the hastily made up explanation
Pea Pod
Pea Pod shivers, "oh man I do not miss being on contract work. Those were some tough jobs."
She is greeted by thin lips and a rather bleak expression followed by a vague nod.
Pea Pod
"What was your shittiest contract? If I may ask?"
Dr. Skren
"Government work"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod gets visibly upset "oh fuck that" "you got me beat"
Hexe reaches for Skren's hand under the table and squeezes it gently. Her expression above the table remains indifferent.
Dr. Skren
Skren softly squeezes it back and responds. "Yeah. Never again" with a bitter tone
Pea Pod
"I would go hungry before I worked for those fucks." As Pea Pod slurps some more corn chowder "Doctor, can I just call you Doctor?"
Dr. Skren
"Yeah sure"
Arbiter Dox
The group spots Rawlins entering the pub. He heads to Marle and they have a quick conversation. As their conversation dies down, they split up. Rawlins pulls out his smartphone and heads toward the back room where the group went to avoid the cops the previous night. Meanwhile Marle approaches the group and says, "Hey, mind comin' to the back room for a minute?"
Dr. Skren
Skren looks at the others. "Uhm, sure?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod gulps the rest of the chowder and says "sure."
Arbiter Dox
Marle leads the way back. The group would remember the room from the previous night; a comfortable old couch, a few scattered chairs, and a TV, currently switched off. Inside Rawlins is speaking with an angry tone to Murdock, and the group enters mid sentence. "--these assholes to tell people when weird shit happen!" Murdock waves to Rawlins. The rat-man (in much more casual clothing this time) takes a deep breath and visibly tries to tamp down on his annoyance. Marle says, "Right. So." She looks to Pea Pod and says, "You get all this info from Goat Kyle?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod replies, "yea... am I in trouble?"
Arbiter Dox
Rawlins shakes his head. "Sorry, I'm pissed at Goat Kyle, not you." Murdock says, "Folks here don't talk about their business. Most 'v the time that's fine, but when weird shit like this comes up it just makes things harder." Marle asks, "This the only instance we know about?" Rawlins replies, "Yeah. Who knows if more folks are keeping their mouths shut though?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod interjects, "keeping there mouths shut about what?"
Arbiter Dox
Murdock says, "More animal mutilations, maybe. If there's someone or something out there taking animal parts, why'd it stop with two cows?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod says, "right cuz it was almost a month ago. Are there any other places that might be a target? Another farm maybe?"
Arbiter Dox
Marle says, "Well, that means someone's gotta go collectin' info." Rawlins adds, "I'll see if I can get some of th' farmhands t' talk t' me. That's how I found out about this one. Rumor mill 'n all that." Murdock looks to Pea Pod and says, "You're here researchin' anyway. Up for helpin' us figure this out?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod nods and says "yea I can help."
Arbiter Dox
"I ain't much've an investigator if we're talkin' to people, but you guys can use this spot to coordinate whenever," Murdock says. Marle looks to the other three folks in the room. "Are you guys going to be here for long? If so we could use your help too." Murdock adds, "We can pay you for it."
"I'm curious and have nothing pressing" pauses shrugs "I'm in"
Hexe waits for the Doctor's reply, but nods faintly towards her.
Dr. Skren
"We'll be here for a while. I guess we can lend a hand"
"As the Doctor allows it, sure."
Arbiter Dox
Rawlins nods. "Great." Marle says, "I'll start figurin' out who all we need to talk to tonight. I'll get a list made and tomorrow we'll start interviewin' folks."
Pea Pod
Pea Pod nods approvingly.

They Fight Capitalism, Session 5

The Greenfield Ranch doesn't have much to see at the first glance. Simple fences around the pastures, a barn out in the distance, and a small, plain house in the middle. The duo see an old but functional track in the driveway as they approach. No one approaches or responds as the two get out of the car.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks around and says to Esta "I guess we go knock on the door?"
shrugs "seems like a place to start"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod walks to the front door and knocks firmly
Arbiter Dox
A few moments after the knocking, a small goat girl--maybe 8-9 years old--cracks the door and peers out. "Uhm... Are you lookin' for papaw?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod nods and says "yes were are, can you tell us where he is?"
Arbiter Dox
"He's workin'. I'm s'posed to call 'im and tell 'im what you want."
Pea Pod
"Oh ok, well can you tell him some people are here to talk to him about the mysterious things going on around the farm."
while Pea Pod is talking with the child Esta takes a step back and has a look at the outside of the house.
Arbiter Dox
She hesitates for a moment at that. "Uh... Okay. One second." She closes the door and walks away from it for a moment. The house Esta's looking at is old. Its wooden siding painted a color that was probably supposed to be white, but has over time faded to a dull hue. Looking close, Esta can spot places where the house has been damaged and repaired. It's big enough for a maximum of two bedrooms. The girl comes back to the door again, smartphone in hand. "Papaw says he wants to know if you're with the po-lice or uh--the feds?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod chuckles to himself and then says "I am a film maker working on documenting the unknown and this is my assistant. We have no affiliation with the pigs or the feds."
Arbiter Dox
She speaks into the phone, "He says no." A pause as she listens to the reply, and then she says, "He says he'll be here in a few minutes. I'm not s'posed to let strangers in the house, but I can bring you some water if you need?"
Pea Pod
"I am ok, thank you though."
Arbiter Dox
"Mmmkay." She leaves the door, closing it behind her. A couple of minutes later a figure approaches. This is an older goat man, about 5'6" tall and with an average build. He has curved ram horns, hazel eyes, and flowing white fur. An earring is placed in his left ear, a simple copper loop. He's allowed the fur on his chin to grow much longer and has it gathered into a simple braid. He wears a simple brown shirt and blue jeans. He approaches, eyeing the duo critically as he approaches. "I'm Goat Kyle." After that curt introduction, he adds, "Got a busy day 'head a' me, strangers, so I ain' got a lotta time for ya. Who are ya, why you here, what you want?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod bows slightly and says "Hello Mr. Kyle my Name is Pea Pod and this is Esta. we are here trying to document the unexplanied. I was told by the very friendly Rawlins that you had some interesting things happen hear at the ranch. Do you mind telling us all about it?"
Esta give a similar bow & nod arms folded into her sleeves.
Arbiter Dox
He snorts. "Interestin' ain't the right word. 'S fuckin' weird." He gives Pea Pod's camera a glare. "You some kind a' reporter then?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod shakes his head no, and says "I am a film maker. I am working on a documentary of the unexplained. Can we film here Mr. Kyle?"
Arbiter Dox
"Huh." Kyle tilts his head, clearly not expecting that answer. After a moment of thought, he says, "I'll allow it, but 'cha got two rules to follow. No filmin' inside any a' my buildin's, an' no filmin' any of my people unless you ask 'em first. Some a' my ranch-hands are gonna wanna ham it up for yer camera, an' the rest ain' gonna want anythin' to do with it." "We got an understandin'?"
Pea Pod
"Its a deal."
Arbiter Dox
Kyle nods and says, "Follow me, got a couple minutes a' walkin'. Tell ya what I know on th' way."
Pea Pod
Pea Pod grabs his camera and gets it ready and starts following.
Arbiter Dox
Goat Kyle start walking and talking. "So. This's about three weeks ago. Ranch-hands are out countin' horns like normal, and they come up two heads short. Cows tend t' like t' stick t'gether so that ain't normal. We start lookin' for our missin' stock. 'Sa big ranch so that takes a while." "Eventually one a' th' ranch hands comes back, tells me he's found a buncha sliced up cows near th' south edga a' the ranch." He points a direction to clarify. "I come by, sure 'nuff couple my girls 're dead, missin' their skin, an' several of their organs. Left a lotta meat behind on 'em, so we figure it cain't be no animal attack; they'd a' ate it." "An' that's 'bout all I know. We set up a couple game cameras in th' area, ain't seen a damn thing worth seein' with 'em. We got no idea what happened."
Pea Pod
"That is quite a unique story Mr. Kyle, I don't think I have heard any similar to that in my travels. Is the ranch-hand that found the bodies here today?"
Arbiter Dox
"Yup. Youngin' loves a camera too, betcha he'll be eager t' talk." At this point the group has nearly reached the main herd. There are folks on horseback and on foot, going about the everyday work of taking care of cattle.
Pea Pod
As Pea Pod approaches he takes a few panning shots of the animals, making sure to avoid the folks on horseback.
while Pea Pod is taking photos Esta takes out her phone and takes some notes on the tail Goat Kyle told while they walk.
Arbiter Dox
As the approach, Kyle takes a pager from his belt. "Approachin' from the farmhouse. Chuck, got some folks who're gonna wanna talk to ya, come pay us a visit." From the pager, a deep voice replies, "On th' way, boss." One of the ranch-hands breaks away and starts approaching the group. The man who approaches is a muscular wolf-man. He has mostly gray fur, aside from the white on his face. He has hazel eyes and a short snout. He wears a simple black shirt, blue jeans, and a light patterned scarf around his neck. He reigns his horse in and asks, "What's up, boss?" Kyle introduces Esta and Pea Pod. "These two are here ta make a 'documentary of th' unexplained.' They're interested in whatcha found a few weeks ago. Take an hour an' help them out?" Chuck perks up at this news. "Uuuh, yeah, sure, I can do that." Kyle beckons him downward. "Lemme get that horse." Once Kyle is back on his way to ranch work, the wolf man approaches the two. "Call me Chuck. Been workin' for Goat Kyle for about five years now. You guys here 'bout the dead cows?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod nods and says "yeah that is something else. You mind telling us all about it?"
nods at chuck in acknowledgement
Arbiter Dox
"Yeah, we can talk about it. Weird stuff, man. Here, I'll show ya where they were." He beckons for them to follow.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod gets camera ready and follows
Arbiter Dox
As the group wanders to ground zero, Chuck attempts small talk. "So, documentary maker. How's that life go, man?"
Pea Pod
"It's a unique line of work. Everyday is something unexpected."
Arbiter Dox
He chuckles at that. "I think that'd drive me crazy. I like a lotta routine in my day."
Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks at his camera to make sure its recording then says, "I don't doubt it."
Arbiter Dox
Chuck stops. "Right. So, here's the place." The group is at the top of a small hill at the moment. A few yards from the bottom of the hill there's a simple perimeter fence. He points at a spot at the base of the hill. "Found one of our stock there. I'm guessin' she started at the top a' this here hill and rolled down." He moves forward a bit and points at the fence. "Second one was over there."
Pea Pod
Pea Pod pans his camera accordingly Then Pea Pod says to Chuck "now explain in great detail what you saw."
Arbiter Dox
"Right, so. This's gonna get gross." Chuck puts his hands on his hips and says, "Weren't an inch a' skin or a drop a' blood left on 'em when I found 'em. Completely stripped and drained, bones and meat left t' rot." "Th' one down there--" he points to the base of the hill, "--had all her stomachs and intestines removed." He points to the fence again. "The one over there had no head, heart, or lungs." He opens his mouth to say something more, but stops and seems to decide to keep it to himself.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks up from behind the camera and says "is everything ok?"
looks up from taking notes on her phone to look up at Chuck at Pea Pod's question.
Arbiter Dox
"Yyyeah," he replies. "Uh, where was I... Right! So, uhm... After we find 'em, we radio in to th' boss. Goat Kyle comes down here, we spend a few minutes tryin' t' figure what coulda done this, an' we get nowhere." "Finally, boss just says 'waste not want not' and we get the bodies ready for compost. Couple a' guys wanna call the police, but boss ain't exactly friendly with the cops, so that ain' happenin'. Since then it's been a buncha speculatin' an' lookin' at random critters trippin' our game cameras."
Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks up from the camera again and says "wow that is quite the ordeal. Did you get sick or feel ill at all?"
Arbiter Dox
Chuck raises an eyebrow at that question and replies, "Uh... not really? Not that I can remember. Had a bit a' bile when we first saw the corpses, I guess. Even without blood, it was a hell of a mess. Whatever did this just tossed aside th' organs it didn't take."
Pea Pod
"Interesting, it took the blood and skin but left the organs." Pea Pod stops recording. He says to Chuck "well that was good, I think I have a good start, if you need to get back to work I can poke around and if I have any more questions I can ask for ya." Pea Pod turns his camera back on and says "Oh one last question, did this "thing" leave any tracks or marks?"
Arbiter Dox
Chuck shakes his head. "If it did we couldn't find 'em."
Pea Pod
"Shit" Pea Pod says rather aggressively "Well I guess I can try to get some B-roll and then that might be it for now, unless Esta you have anything that I might have missed?"
she pauses looking over her notes... looking up a Chuck "did the butchering look clean like knives or was it rough like bites?"
Arbiter Dox
He replies, "I ain' an expert in animal bites, but if I had to guess I'd say knives. Weren't any big hunks outta the muscle or anythin'."
nods at Chuck once again. Looks at Pea Pod "That's all I've got..."
Pea Pod
Pea Pod says "Thank you Chuck, if you think of anything else here is info" and Pea Pod hands him a business card.
Arbiter Dox
Chuck takes the card and nods. "Arright, yeah, I'll keep you in mind. We've been on the lookout for repeats; if that happens I'll give you a call." "Anythin' else?"
Pea Pod
"Nope I think we got a lot here."
Arbiter Dox
Chuck nods. "Arright. Hope yer documentary turns out good. Lemme walk ya'll to your car."
Pea Pod
Pea Pod says "thank you, I hope so too" and follows Chuck
Arbiter Dox
Having only light luggage, she is done rather fast. A PDA, a set of tools for finer mechanical workings and some other items are stored in convenient easy-to reach places. She checks the door with a look over her shoulder before she reaches deep down into the bag and pulls out a somewhat ragged brown plushy bunny. The button eyes have been reattached several times, the stuffing could probably be a bit more voluminous and the fur has definitely seen better days. She gently pets its head and lays it into the bed, covering it up to its neck with the blanket. Then Hexe leaves her room and knocks at the Doctors' one to check whether she needs some help to settle in.
Dr. Skren
Skren doesn't really have a lot of luggage either, mostly a laptop and a bit of medical equipment, that she's already set up on the table. She gets up from the laptop and opens the door to see Hexe. "Better than some of the places we've stayed at, before, for sure."
Hexe enters. "I am genuinely surprised our host, or rather his ToB community has built themselves such an elaborate haven without the officials catching wind of it. However, I do feel a little bad that we cannot really share much more with Mr Metalmender. We are putting the entire village at risk after all." She sighs audibly. "As usual." She tries to look at the screen. "Already hard at work again?"
Dr. Skren
"Always!" Skren laughs "Nah, just reading the news right now. We still don't know 100% just how much we messed up, last time"
Hexe frowns at the memory before she seems to remember something. "I have some good news, though. While you were asleep last night, I battled it out with myself again and made a breakthrough." She points at her eyes using her middle and index finger. "With my new control over the sensors, I can likely look even further than what I attempted out of the inn's window, given a suitable vantage point. Or tell you the eye colour of that bird in the nearest trees across a meadow." She does not exactly beam with pride, but the Doctor might get the impression that she would love to.
Dr. Skren
"You are absolutely amazing, girl!" Skren moves in to hug her
"That's... it's... Nothing really... Thank you, Samantha." Hexe mumbles into the doctor's fur as she rests her head on her shoulder for a moment. "It's still a long way to go. But at least I feel more in control now. I am still... unsure whether I should be glad or afraid of this potential, given how all of this turned out." , she speaks into the Doctors's ear in a low voice.
Dr. Skren
"Yeah, I understand... we'll get this worked out. I just want you to be able to accept yourself and be happy..." she whispers
She can feel Hexe nodding silently at her shoulder, enjoying the hug just a bit longer before stepping away again. "Sooooo..." A moment of awkward silence follows and Hexe scratches the back of her head. "Anything of worth in the news? And speaking of worth, I hate to bring it up, but.... You probably drank our last money away yesterday." There is no reproach in the girls' voice. She just spoke as matter of fact. They duo is broke.
Arbiter Dox
There is not a damned thing of worth in the news.
Dr. Skren
"Nothing! I was mostly worried about our faces popping up somewhere, but I guess we're safe. And I'm not in the mood to start doomscrolling social media to see some neckbeards complain about the graphics in the latest video game for kids, so..." she closes the laptop.
Hexe smirks at that but says nothing.
Dr. Skren
"Wanna catch some fresh air? Although the ventilation system down here is damn good."
"Sure. Maybe we even get an assignment to fill our pockets and your belly." Hexe winks at the Doctor and opens the door for her, doing a mocking bow again before her face is back to a neutral expression and she is back in her usual position at Skren's heels.
Arbiter Dox
The two leave the rooms they've claimed. Heading back to the living area, the two would find a sheet of notebook paper with text written by a sharpie. "Went back to work upstairs -M"
"Shall we?" Hexe throw's the note away in the bin after checking it carefully for some less obvious message before she opens the door to the stairway back to the workshop.
Dr. Skren
"Sure!" Skren follows
Arbiter Dox
A trip back upstairs sees them coming out in Murdock's shop. The stonebrother is currently putting the finishing touches on the vehicle he was working on before, re-doing the paint job where the frame previously had a hole in it. He and the woman who was working in the bar that morning are idly chatting as he works. There's brief pause in the music he's listening to as his bot assistant announces, "People approaching." Marle looks up and spots the two at this message. "Oh, hey. You two must be M's new guests?"
Dr. Skren
"That's us" Skren responds with a slight smile
Arbiter Dox
"Well. I'm Marle Janice Lee. Me, Rawlins, and Murdock go way back." Without looking up from his work, Murdock adds, "Show knows everything I know; we don't keep secrets."
Back in her public role, Hexe just nods politely and leaves the conversation to the Doctor.
Arbiter Dox
Marle looks to Hexe with concern. "Y' didn't tell me the ToB were sending kids out on mission now." Murdock replies dryly, "I saw her fight. She can handle herself." Marle looks unconvinced, but lets the subject drop. "How you two like the hideout?"
Dr. Skren
"Comfier than I could have possible expected. We're really grateful"
"We really are. Soft beds, a safe haven..." Then her age gets the better of her. "..and even games! Thanks a bunch."
Arbiter Dox
"Eh, 'nother gamer?" Murdock says, still not looking up from the car he's working on. "Feel free to start your own profile on the Gamestation 6."
"I may? Cool! I am pretty good, you know." she proclaims with the blissful ignorance of an enthusiastic child before she notices that this is probably not of much concern right now. "I mean... thank you." She hides behind her jacket's collar, slightly embarrassed now.
Dr. Skren
The doctor grins.
Arbiter Dox
"Yeah? Guess we'll put that to th' test later then." Marle smiles and says, "You might've just walked into a trap there. Murdock plays so many games that he's colored his armor after one." He replies, "The character's name is Rockman and he fights with an arm cannon. What'm I s'posed to do, pretend that's not perfect?"
Dr. Skren
The doctor audibly snorts now and ruffles Hexe's hair a little. "I'll try to keep the fridge stocked, once we earn some money, so no worries, I won't drink all your beer"
Arbiter Dox
Murdock replies, "Well first off, don't worry 'bout food at all. Rawlins takes care 'v that. He's made it his personal mission that no one in 50 miles goes hungry. As for th' drinks, yer fine t' drink mine while yer figurin' things out 'round here." Marle says, "I might be able to help with the money a bit. What're you good at? I know folks."
Hexe side-eyes the doctor. There is plenty she could do, but some of it she definitely should not do. Or Skren does not allow her to do.
Dr. Skren
"Tech shit and medicine, I guess. The girl's amazing at surveillance and stuff"
"Tinkering with software is also my forte. She is better with hardware." Hexe nods towards the car Murdock is working on.
Arbiter Dox
The idea of Hexe working seems to set off Marle, but she holds her tongue for now. Murdock replies, "Honestly, I might hire you two m'self for some tech shit. Someone else helping build and coordinate bots could be helpful." "You showed 'em th' real garage yet?" Marle asks. "Not yet. Later. Need t' finish this first; folks need these vehicles to get to their jobs."
Dr. Skren
"The real garage, eh? Color me intrigued."
Arbiter Dox
"Like I said, later," Murdock replies. Murdock steps back from the vehicle he's working on. There's still a slight mark where the damage was done, but it's subtle. "Almost good as new." He steps back and says, "Gonna get this 'n outta the way and started on th' next." Marle says, "We aughta get outta Murdock's business for a bit, he's busy." She beckons for the other two to follow her while Murdock starts rolling the car out of place in neutral. (He is too big to fit in the car to drive it into place.) Once clear, Marle says, "Rawlins takes care 'v food, Murdock takes care 'v tech, I take care of th' rest. Anything I aughta do or set up for you two, make your stay a little better?"
Hexe thinks for a moment. Given her rather limited demand when it comes to comfort she cannot come up with anything. "Nothing I could think of off the top of my head. Thank you for the open welcome of us strangers." A tiny hint of guilt is in those words.
Arbiter Dox
She shrugs. "If you're in th' ToB enough for 'em to send you to us, we're on the same team. No worries."
Dr. Skren
"I can't think of anything either right now. Maybe some spare clothes if we're gonna stay here a while? We're used to travelling light."
Arbiter Dox
Marle nods. "I can make that happen, sure." She looks over the two's current outfits and says, "What I get's prolly gonna be a bit less... loud. Just so y' know."
Dr. Skren
Skren shifty-eyes Hexe and rubs her neck in embarrassment "Uh... yeah, I imagined. Thank you"

They Fight Capitalism, Session 4

The group emerges from the bar and hotel and start wandering to the other main building nearby. It's a gas station and simple auto-repair shop with stations for two vehicles. The fuel pumps are clean and well maintained, with digital displays with options for multiple languages. Both stations contain a well-used and maintained carjacks. There's a small office off to the side that contains a cash register, a small refrigerator with drinks, and a small stand with snacks. Murdock is at work on one of the cars that was damage in the previous night's fighting. The round anti-grav droid visible from last night is gently floating behind him, playing a piece of psychedelic rock music as he works. There's a momentary gap in the music as the droid announces, "Visitors approaching."
Dr. Skren
The doctor tries to stay in the back a little and let the others deal with their business first.
Hexe approves this course of action with a slight nod, stepping at Skren's side while waiting for the others to be finished so they can talk in private.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod walking over towards Murdoc says "Hello, what a lovely place you have here. How long have you had this place Mr. Murdock?"
Dr. Skren
Skren whispers to Hexe "I'm also kinda curious what business these clowns have with Murdock"
Arbiter Dox
Murdock pauses in his work as the group approaches. He's in a simple brown jumpsuit that looks to have been beat to hell over many years of use, with various small oil and grease stains that come with auto work over them. He replies to Pea Pod, "Been around here for about 20 years now."
Pea Pod
Pea Pod nods and says "well you have quite a fine establishment, and should I ever need car repairs I will surly come here. I have a couple things to talk about if you have a moment. One of which I think is in regards to the events of the other night."
Now Hexe raises a brow to the Doctor and nods again.
Arbiter Dox
"I can take a break," he replies, wiping his hands off on a towel that has probably seen as much abuse as his jumpsuit. "So first off, I wanted to thank you folks for intervening last night. You're are welcome to stay in the pub while you're visitin' our little town, free of charge."
Pea Pod
Pea Pod nods and says "Thank you. I will most certainly take that offer."
Arbiter Dox
"I's curious how long you folks were plannin' to stay around?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod says "I am here on work," and Pea Pod points to his camera. "Once that is done I will be on my way, though I am not sure how long that will take."
Dr. Skren
"Not sure yet" Skren replies.
Pea Pod
Esta "just passing through but" shrugs "but might be around longer then I thought"
Arbiter Dox
"Mmm, arright. Well, hope you enjoy our town while you're here." Murdock nods to Pea Pod. "What kinda work? You some kinda reporter?"
"We would aim to leave for...another place as soon as possible after meeting you, Mister Metalmender." Hexe is being vague on purpose and carefully observes his reaction which requires her to raise her head to look into his face.
Arbiter Dox
"No worries. We get a lotta folks just passin' through."
Dr. Skren
Skren shifty eyes Hexe and manages to suppress actually saying "Always the smartass" out loud
Pea Pod
"I am working on a documentary," Pea Pod reply's. "On that note actually I was wondering if you knew anything about Greenfield Ranch."
Arbiter Dox
As the documentary comes up, he says, "Ah, good luck with that." To the Ranch, he shakes his head. "You'd be better off askin' Rawlins or Marle about that. Rawlins bein' the barkeep from last night, Marle being the lady watchin' the shop this mornin'. I've fixed their equipment a couple times here and there but that's about all I've done.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod nods and says "I will. Do you happen to know how to get to the ranch?"
Arbiter Dox
He nods and says to his droid, "Voltorb, get a map outta the office, would ya?" The droid chirps and ducks into the side office for a moment, returning with a folded map. Murdock unfolds it and draws a star on it with a pen from his pocket. "This is where you are now." He then gives instructions, pointing to a final point on the map. "Here's the place. Note that folks around here ain' super welcomin' of strangers, so they might not wanna talk to you. If someone around here tells you t' piss off, you do it." The instructions are simple; the layout of this area is not complicated.
Hexe carefully steps closer to observe the map and memorises it with a glance before retreating to the Doctor's side.
Pea Pod
Esta leans forward to take a look at the map, purely out of curiosity.
Arbiter Dox
The map shows that this area is a central point leading to some very different landscapes. To the south there's nothing but green on the map, occasionally crisscrossed by straight lines. To the north, a forest surrounding a mountain range.
Dr. Skren
Skren nods approvingly at Hexe
Pea Pod
Pea Pod takes off his lens cap and snaps a picture of the map. Then says "thank you, and I will." He then taps a note to himself on his tablet in all caps and giant font size DO NOT PISS OFF LOCALS!!!
Arbiter Dox
Murdock nods and folds up the map, offering it to Pea Pod. "We got a buncha these in the office, you can have it."
Pea Pod
"Oh thank you so much" replies Pea Pod.
Arbiter Dox
"You wanna make a documentary about th' area, I'd say start talkin' to Marle and Rawlins about it. They know folks around here better than me, I just fix shit."
Pea Pod
Pea Pod nods then asks "what is this nonsense with the gang?"
Arbiter Dox
Murdock exhales loudly at that. "Still figurin' out th' details, but the whole thing started up about two weeks ago. That bull-dog guy's always been a fuck-up, and he got the idea to find some other local fuck-ups and just take what he wants. That plus the cops around here 'r less than useless--" He lets the sentence end with a shrug.
Dr. Skren
"What a surprise" scoffs Skren at that last part
Pea Pod
"What a lovely bunch of people" Pea Pod chuckles. "Oh thanks for talking to the police, really appreciate it."
Pea Pod
"yes much appreciated for that!"
Arbiter Dox
"Rawlins, Marle, and I've been taking care of them since we set up shop here. We've got enough of an understandin' that they leave us alone. There'd be riots if the pigs shut down the only good bar in town."
"Lucky us.", murmurs Hexe to Skren while still staring ahead to make their conversation less obvious.
Pea Pod
"Do you think the gang is still going to be a problem?" Pea Pod asks.
Arbiter Dox
"More 'n half of 'em are in jail right now. Doesn' mean they're done forever, but it does mean they're done for now. Depends on what Brick does next, but I figure we've got a couple weeks a' quiet at least." "Anythin' else we need t' talk about?" He looks to Pea Pod and Esta. "Got a lotta work cleanin' up after last night's party still t' do." He nods his head toward the truck whose exterior he's still repairing.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod says "Thank you for everything, and if I need something else I know where to find you."
Pea Pod
Esta shakes her head, "I have no particular questions, but again thank you for clearing things up for all of us"
Arbiter Dox
Murdock nods. "Alright. Well, thanks again for your help last night. I've told Marle what happened last night, if you got more you wanna ask, she'd actually know what's going on around here."
"Brick being... the local enforcer?" Hexe asks from the sidelines.
Arbiter Dox
"Bulldog guy," Murdock clarifies.
Hexe just nods at this. She shouldn't have assumed.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod turns around to the group and asks "well do any of yall need anything to do today? If so I could use some help finding this Greenfield Ranch."
Dr. Skren
Skren snorts. "Brick. What a stupid name. Dumb as a brick too, judging by last night"
Pea Pod
smirks at the DR.'s comment
Dr. Skren
"We got something to talk about with Murdock, so I doubt we'll have time" she responds to Pea Pod
Pea Pod
and then to Pea Pod "I can join you, need something to do for awhile"
Hexe gives Pea Pod the go-by. That individual is way too extroverted.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks at Skren and gestures with his arm and says "he's all yours. If you get bored you know where I will be." "Oh wonderful!" Pea Pod reaches out his hand toward Esta for a shake.
Pea Pod
Esta does the same
Pea Pod
Pea Pod asks Esta "do you drive?"
Pea Pod
she shakes her head "I get around by hoverboard when I need to."
Pea Pod
Pea Pod chuckles and says "I have always been real scared of those things."
Pea Pod
"they aren't that bad"
Pea Pod
"Thats what they all say, then you crack your head on the pavement and never talk straight again. But no worries I rented a car so we can use that. Are you good to go?"
Pea Pod
nods "I am" waves to the others and head toward the door.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod joins in on the wave and follows Esta out
Arbiter Dox
Esta and Pea Pod head to the parking lot where Pea Pod's rented car await. It's not fancy or eye catching, but it gets decent gas mileage and is fairly well maintained so it works. It was also not damaged in the previous night's antics. The two enter the vehicle and have about a 30-45 minutes to kill on the way. About ten minutes into the drive the duo have left Terry's Jucture proper. The rest of the way is split between miles and miles and miles of corn fields, and the occasional bit of pasture in hilly terrain. Corn and cows, as far as the eye can see.
Pea Pod
"so what's the interest in Greenfield Ranch?"
Pea Pod
"Well I asked Rawlins if he knew of any odd things happening around the area, and he said that the Greenfield Ranch had some possible odd things happening there." "Now do you happen to believe in the unexplained?"
Pea Pod
"I am a student of the Trinity of Benevolence, if something can't be explained it just hasn't been reveled to us yet"
Pea Pod
"Oh really. I have heard of them, they are trying to get us away from all this capitalist's bullshit, right?"
Pea Pod
nods "that is part of it, they are followers of the great O. Possum God, Pork Belly, & the Mountain Mother."
Pea Pod
"Ah so its a religion?"
Pea Pod
"yes"... pauses for a moment... "any particular reason your working on a cryptid documentary?"
Pea Pod
"Well I guess you could say I want people to believe or at least give it more than a scoff and what better way than to record it."
Pea Pod
Pea Pod
"I personally want nothing more than to find actual proof of other life. I mean we can travel in space how can there not be something else out there, or something else here for that matter."
Pea Pod
"There is definitely more out there/here Mother Mountain has to much to give for there only to be what we know."
Pea Pod
"How does one go about practicing this belief system? Do you have to recruit a certain amount of people or is it just a meet up on tuesdays and talk about stuff?"
Pea Pod
"we channel much of our energy in to charity and art, the gods support those that support those around them"
Pea Pod
"That sounds really nice. I do love good art, doing photography as a hobby has shown me lots of great artists, but I would love to see what yall get up to sometime if you will have me. Do yall like go to big conventions or something?
Pea Pod
"you will more likely see us gather at local art fairs, and soup kitchens, I'm not sure where the community or if the community has a presence in this area but I will gladly show you around if the opportunity arises." ..."Do you have a certain subject matter you like to photograph?"
Pea Pod
"Oh so like grassroots kinda stuff, I dig that. Yea I have been trying to photograph the unexplained, and when there isn't much of that going on my favorite subject matter is clouds / storms and other weather stuff. What brought you to this quaint town if I may ask?'
Pea Pod
"Happenstance, I was making my way through the area and Terry's Juncture seemed like a good place to stop for the night" "Is there a reason you are looking for cryptids here?"
Pea Pod
"Well I am from Fuldor where all you see is advertisement's and shit to buy and things to do, and I really needed to get some footage of a place where there might actually be real cryptids. It was really time for me to get out of the big urban city where there is to much to do and just find a place where I can actually see the weather and not smog all the time. This was a work trip as much as a personal trip."
Arbiter Dox
The duo finally reaches the turn to Greenfield Ranch. It should only be a few minutes until they arrive. =*=Meanwhile=*=
"I dislike that paparazzo." Hexe stares holes in said paparazzo's back as he leaves. "He draws attention, and unless he draws it away from us that could become a problem."
Dr. Skren
Arbiter Dox
Murdock shrugs. "Not sure what to do about that for now. We'll see how much trouble he makes, I guess."
Dr. Skren
"In any case, we were told to find you for the purpose of... keeping low for a while. And we've already seen you're good at that, last night. Kudos."
Hexe drops her façade as well now that they are alone with Murdock and follows the conversation.
Arbiter Dox
"Right. So. To fill you in, I'm with the ToB. There's a lot more to my little corner of town than meets the eye." He points downward.
"...and we can be of help. Shelter for work.", she concludes.
Dr. Skren
Skren nods.
Arbiter Dox
He nods. "There'll be things I need help with, yeah. We can figure that out once we've got you settled in. Here, follow me." Murdock beckons for the others to follow. He sets a sign out that says "back in 30 minutes" and gives some instructions for his droid to handle things while he's out. Murdock leads the two into a small basement in the auto-shop. Spare tools and parts are distributed around the room. If there's any sorting mechanism, it's not immediately obvious. He approaches a door with a keypad lock to its side and enters a code. The door opens to another smaller storeroom with more valuable looking parts and tools, plus a door that leads to a downward staircase. Two stories down leads to another door which opens into a wide open space with a vaulted ceiling above. It looks like a casual lounge area with plush seating arranged around a table and TV. Multiple game consoles are attached to it. There's a small kitchen nook as well. Murdock says, "Welcome to my man-cave. Most of the town has no idea this is down here. Same for the authorities."
Hexe scans the room. "Is there a second exit?"
Dr. Skren
"Cozy" Skren remarks
Arbiter Dox
Murdock nods and moves to the other side of the room, where he opens two more doors that lead upwards. He points to one and says, "This comes out in the bar's freezer." To the other, he says, "This leads into my above-ground house. That's there mostly to keep up appearances."
Dr. Skren
"Well thought-out." the doctor says approvingly. "So I assume you already know about us?"
Arbiter Dox
"I know you guys need shelter from the feds. They didn't tell me the rest." He heads to the kitchen's fridge and pulls out a beer. "You guys want somethin' to drink? We got cold beer, soda, juice in here."
Dr. Skren
"I'll have a beer"
"I pass." Short pause. "Thank you."
Arbiter Dox
Murdock brings out another can of beer for the Doctor and invites the group to sit on the assembled couches.
Hexe glances at Skren and leaves the talking to her - as usual. If she were the one to lead the negotiations, Murdoch would probably not learn anything more than their names. She sighs audibly as she sits down but hopes to have made it look as if that sigh was a relaxing one.
Arbiter Dox
"So. No pressure, you guys get shelter here either way. I'd still like to know what we're dealin' with if you're ready to share though."
Dr. Skren
Skren takes a seat on a couch and recounts the basics of their last job, how it went wrong and how they're now laying low, as she sips her beer. She makes her disdain for the establishment very clear during all of this, but omits her reasons, as well as how Hexe fits into all of it specifically, except for the fact that she can handle herself very well in combat, as proven last night.
Arbiter Dox
Murdock listens to the story quietly. At the end, he nods and says, "That all makes sense." He looks to Hexe and says, "Th' main question I've got right now is how a kid like you ends up so geared and prepped for combat. That's a detail I'm willin' t' gloss over it you'd rather keep quiet about it."
Dr. Skren
Skren looks at Hexe, waiting for her response
"It's... difficult to be on the lower stairs as a child on Fuldor.", she replies, hoping it is not too vague for Murdock. "Childhood is short there. Either because you have to grow up fast to survive, or because you simply do not survive this long." The girl's usually monotone voice definitely sounds embittered now.
Arbiter Dox
Murdock nods and says, "Yeah. Used to live there m'self, I know what you mean." He seems satisfied with that answer for now.
Dr. Skren
Skren nods
Arbiter Dox
"Alright. So. Aside from combat, what kinda stuff are you guys able to do?"
"Anything tech related and surveillance, both concealed if necessary." Hexe explains her part. "And whatever the Doctor needs a hand with." She looks a Skren and her gaze becomes a bit softer again, a potential smile hidden by her oversized jacket's collar.
Dr. Skren
"Yeah, crafting, building, hacking... and I got some medical knowledge under my belt."
Arbiter Dox
Murdock nods and says, "Alright. I'll keep that in mind. Always good to have another pair of hands around."
Dr. Skren
Skren gives a thumbs up and downs the rest of her beer "Oh yeah, also breaking things." "As in sabotage"
"But not only there..." Hexe's cheeky remark follows soon after.
Dr. Skren
"Shush you" Skren sticks out her tongue at the girl
Arbiter Dox
"Alright. Well, last thing to mention. You figured out the actual target of last night's attack yet?"
Dr. Skren
The doctor tilts her head and rubs her chin. "Might have had a bit too much to drink for that."
"The news said the raids became somewhat regular. You mentioned the police is inapt, they claim the lack of resources is the reason. So they might be in cahoots together. And all that secrecy..." She makes a waving gesture across the room. "... implies that the ToB having to go through such lengths means they have it on their radar as well." Hexe ends her analysis she scraped together with the limited data at hand.
Arbiter Dox
"Well. The main actual target was me. You notice that one lady went straight for me? That was an assassin. Probably the actual leader of the group; Brick's about as smart as his name implies."
Dr. Skren
"Oh right, there was that woman"
"The only one smart enough to escape as well. And that cloaking device was likely not exactly cheap either." Hexe narrows her exes slightly as she looks at Murdock. "Would you mind returning the favour and tell us some more about your role in that story?"
Arbiter Dox
Murdock nods. "Sure."
Hexe is visibly perplexed about such openness for a second before she regains control over herself.
Arbiter Dox
"So like I said earlier, I've been out here about 20 years. While I've been here, I've been quietly trying to build and design a self-sustaining community." "This's me, Marle, and Rawlins working together. We've been working on power generation, organizing for mutual aid, food production and preservation, that kind of thing." "If that works--and it is working--we're going to try to spread these measures to other towns nearby."
Dr. Skren
"Quite an endeavor"
"It might be too early to ask, but the assassin was sent by...? The Hand? They likely are not too fond of such a project."
Arbiter Dox
"Probably. The Invisible Hand or some other establishment group. Can't really tell based on what we've seen so far." "Now, I can take care of myself unless I am literally disarmed." He wiggles the fingers on his mechanical hand to emphasize. "So they're gonna have a hard time of it. But that probably wasn't her last attempt."
Dr. Skren
"Maybe we should set up some kinda trap for when she shows up. Would probably be useful to find out who exactly sent her."
Arbiter Dox
He nods. "I try to handle security myself usually, but if you've got ideas I'm willin' to hear 'em."
Dr. Skren
"I'mma try coming up with something. Preferably something that fucks with her cloaking device."
"And where do we come in? In such a close-knitted community it is probably not exactly easy to get us strangers into it." Hexe returns to their previous topic.
Arbiter Dox
"Well, more folks ready to fight means less chance for the assassin to finish her job. Rawlins has been tracking a few weird things going on around here. Nothin' solid enough to make plans for yet, but we might need some eyes on other problems if they come up. Apparently there actually is something weird mutilatin' cattle around Greenfield." "Basically, can't really predict what all we're gonna need. Got a feelin' the next year or two's gonna be hectic."
Dr. Skren
"Guess that camera guy wasn't just talking out his ass then, huh?"
Arbiter Dox
"Rawlins might 'a mentioned it to 'im, yeah."
Arbiter Dox
"Right, well. Your rooms are over there." Murdock points down a door leading to a few small dormrooms. "You two're th' only ones here right now, so you've got your pick of the room." The rooms are small, but they include comfortable beds. Pretty nice for an underground safehouse. The duo have some time to put up their stuff and prepare to settle down for a while.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

They Fight Capitalism, Session 3

Everyone in the group is given rooms for the night where they can rest without having to deal with the swarm of cops that responded to light night's gun fight. The rooms are plain and barebones, but the beds are comfortable. The next morning dawns. The new day awaits.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod's morning ritual includes slowing opening and closing blinds or shutters (whatever lets or doesn't let light in the room) while taking pictures to test different light levels. He then looks through his previous days photos and sees what story it has to tell, and to see if any pictures need to be deleted. He then takes out his tablet and trys to get an agenda for the day. Pea Pod really likes structure.
Esta wakes up early and spends some time in contemplation then stretches, and runs through some very dance-like exercises in her room for about an hour and a half before cleaning herself up, packing and making her way outside to see what the day is like.
Doctor Skren would feel rather impatient nudges on her shoulder rather early. "Doctor.... Doctor. I know it's early, but please get up. The security forces are gone and we need to get moving again." Upon opening her eyes, she would see Hexe standing next to her bed, a faint smile in her eyes and probably around her lips as well, if her mouth were not covered by the always present oversized jacket. Skren's own clothes she may or may not have discarded last night before heading to sleep are folded and placed on the second unoccupied bed next to her, just like her recharged multi tool and the rest of their light luggage.
Dr. Skren
Skren groans. "Just five more minutes..." ...before getting up after all and trying to freshen up a little, being hungover as expected. After she cleared her head a bit she thanks Hexe for last night, although she's genuinely worried about how close she came to depleting her shield generator.
Arbiter Dox
Upon returning to the ground floor where the tavern is, the newcomers to Terry's Junction would find a modest group of locals here for breakfast. Behind the bar is a heavy set human woman with ruddy skin and long brown hair. She's wearing a simple red button up shirt with a loose robe over top. She's busily taking breakfast orders, rushing around with a yellow notebook and inkpen.
Hexe just hands the Doctor all the things she needs: toothbrush, comb and other necessities. She cares for her, but it is also simply faster this way until the fog in Skren's head has dissolved. She waits in front of the bathroom, checking window and door regularly.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod, after going through his notes he took yesterday gets his agenda set for the day. He dawns his camera and wanders downstairs to find out what this place can muster for nourishment.
walking through the people in the main room Esta nods at anyone that acknowledges her and steps outside for awhile to take in the morning.
Dr. Skren
When she's finally in a somewhat presentable stage again, the doctor semi-stumbles down the stairs, Hexe in tow and lured by the smell of breakfast.
Arbiter Dox
The space downstairs is full of the smells of breakfast foods. Lots of waffles with syrup, biscuits in a wide variety of configurations, sausage, bacon, eggs, grits. The woman behind the bar looks up as Pea Pod comes down. "Hey, one of last night's big damn heroes." She smiles and asks, "Somethin' for breakfast?" She gives a similar greeting to Skren and Esta when they arrive.
Pea Pod
"Who me?" Pea Pod puts his hand on his chest. "I am humbled ma'am. I simply was just in the right place at the wrong time." Pea Pod laughs then says, "I would love a nice pancake and some grits, got a busy day ahead."
Arbiter Dox
She jots down some notes and nods. "Give it a couple minutes."
Dr. Skren
"Something meaty and salty for me, I think, please. Don't worry about the girl" She nods at Hexe
Esta stops when the woman addresses her and "it was nothing.... breakfast would be nice" the smells swaying her, nods towards someone's plate w/biscuits and sausage. "something like that would be nice."
Arbiter Dox
The woman behind the counter takes all those notes down and gets the orders back to the kitchen. In short order breakfast is served. Skren is given a few slices of ham for her order. The food is filling and tasty. The waiter who comes with each person's food (a rotund young racoon man) delivers them each with a message. "Mr. Metalmender is working next door at the auto shop. He said he'd like to have a talk with you if you get some time."
"The nimbus of a local hero certainly does not help us." Hexe remarks while Skren is eating. "Let us meet up with our contact and move on swiftly."
Pea Pod
Hearing that Pea Pod thanks the man and quickly takes out his tablet and edits his agenda. Then he digs in to his meal.
Dr. Skren
"Yeahhh, well, at least they kept the fuzz away from us, so I'd say it's a net win" Skren responds between munching
Hexe doesn't seem convinced but does not voice her doubts.
Arbiter Dox
Nothing more bothers the newcomers, aside from the waiter occasionally asking if refills are needed.
Esta, sits quietly eating her meal half listening to the other.
Pea Pod
After Pea Pod has finished his meal and is getting ready leave he approaches Esta, Dr. Skren, and H.Ex.E. and asks "hey would yall mind if we could get a group photo? I am working on a documentary and need some more footage."
Esta finishes her food and sets her flatware and napkin neatly on top. She looks up when Pea Pod asks about the photo, "a documentary?"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod nods and says, "I am working on something special." Pea Pod looks over his shoulder for a moment then turns back and says "I am trying to document cryptid activity."
"Let us also ask him whether there is some reward involved for getting rid of those thugs. We could use the money and this area does not quite look like our... usual services are requir---" Hexe speaks in a low voice to the Doctor but interrupts herself as Pea Pod approaches and listens to his request before she replies: "We refuse. You will not take any photographs for any reason of us..." Short pause. "...Sir." While her tone is indifferent, the statement certainly is not.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod says, "oh my apologies, I meant no offense. Just give me a holler if you want to be in an award wining documentary. I will be in town for awhile, and can use all the footage and help I can get." Pea Pod bows slightly and continues outside
Esta looks a little relived when the others say no to the photo, " I read an account of something called a Not Deer some time back is that the type of thing your documentary is about?"
Dr. Skren
Skren nods, then rubs her head and whispers "THanks for taking care of that. And I'm sorry for overdoing it last night."
Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks back at Esta and says "YES! would you like to help me document them?"
Hexe seems purse-lipped at that but does not reply to not attract the attention of the other two travellers again and disturb their conversation.
surprised by the offer stammers a little... "that sounds interesting" she pulls out her phone to see if she has any messages... "if i have the time, that sounds like a good way to get to know the area"
Arbiter Dox
Esta would find no new messages.
Pea Pod
Pea Pod says "awesome, here is my business card." He hands Esta a very flashy credit card sized piece of metal that reads Pea Pod Inc, and says all normal contact info on a business card. Then Pea Pod heads out the front door intended on meeting Mr. Metalhead.
A little startled Esta looks over at the remaining others, while pocketing the card... "are you intending to oblige Mr. Metalmender request? and if you are do you mind if I tag along?"
Dr. Skren
"Yeah, we were gonna meet with him anyway"
Pea Pod
Pea Pod stops at the door holding it open. Then he gestures with his arm towards the shop and says, "I need all the info I can get about this town. I am happy for the company."

Saturday, November 20, 2021

They Fight Capitalism, session 2


The apparent leader of the Havocs points his gun to Murdock and pulls the trigger. He deflects the projectile easily with the back of his mechanical arm.
One of the thugs--a woman in a hooded jacket wearing a face mask--immediately jumps toward Murdock with a knife in one hand and a pistol in the other. "Leave him to me. You fight those other people."
The bulldog leader replies, "Since when do you give--"
Murdock promptly punches him in the face through the truck's window, quickly silencing him.

As Murdock escalates the conflict, Hexe switches immediately into combat mode. There is no longer any slack in her minimalist movements. She raises her arms aiming for the leader of the gang to take out their long range capacities which would likely be most harmful to the Doctor and herself.

Arbiter Dox
The shot hits home easily, taking the bulldog by surprise in the shoulder. He immediately breaks off from fighting Murdock and tries to duck down into his seat.

While her oversized jacket's long sleeves block the vision, a shot emerges from them after a barely visibly correction factoring in the new location of her target after it has been punched in his face.
While there is little to no recoil, some dust on the street is blown up in its wake.

Arbiter Dox
The Shooter struggles out of his truck and puts it between himself and Hexe. He pops out long enough to send a return shot at her.

Her line of sight impaired by the ruck, Hexe realises the return shot extremely late. A short surge of energy can be felt by the Doctor next to her while the bullet is deflected into the pub's wall.

Escrima sticks out Esta slide to the right sticking to the shadows and ducking behind vehicles.

Arbiter Dox
Esta is able to sneak between cars while everyone's attention is on the guns going off, hiding in the shadows.

Dr. Skren
Skren rushes towards Hexe and curses as she gets out her multitool. "Dammit girl, this is what I mean when I say 'be careful'. Are you okay?"
She quickly gives Hexe's shield generator a boost, recharging it fully. 

Hexe running on full-combat-mode does not even react, but is apparently okay.

Pea Pod
Pea Pod walks to a nearby parked car leans on the roof and moves his camera that was around his neck up to his eye. Then he looks through the viewfinder and locates the thug closest to him and snaps a picture.
An unnatural blackness surrounds the thug and just seems to take the life force from them

Arbiter Dox
The thug shouts in fear as his vision is suddenly obscured.
A stocky warhog-man pulls a grenade and throws it at Murdock.
The stonebrother twists the wrist of his mechanical arm unnaturally, and it projects a kinetic barrier over him. "Are you seriously throwing fucking grenades in my parking lot?" The barrier protects him easily as the projectile explodes.
The woman with the sword and gun curses as this and says, "Leave the rock to me, idiot!"
The thug that Pea Pod struck shouts, "Fuck this!" and bolts.
The other is less intimidated and instead approaches the group, activating a shield generator on his belt as he advances.
It's the man with the switchblade who shook down Skren and Hexe. He brandishes the knife towards Skren and says, "Looks like I'm about to add me a fancy little robot to my haul."
Two more thugs approach, but are quickly intercepted by Rawlins. The barkeep says, "Nonlethal if you can, folks! I know this guy's uncle." He punctuates "this guy" by shooting one of the approaching thugs in the foot.
The assassin woman swipes at Murdock and follows it up with a shot from her pistol. The large man looks like he actually has to put some effort into it this time, but he deflects the attacks with the same shield he used for the grenade.

The return shot confirmed her evaluation from earlier. The hunting rifle the bulldog wields may be old, but that does not make it any less lethal and needs to be removed from the equation.
Her attention turns towards the thug who collected their money earlier.
She rushes at him, a sweeping kick on his legs followed by her elbow in the thug's stomach while he is still mid-air to make him reconsider his target choice.

Arbiter Dox
The thug manages to roll out of reach and get back to his feet, but he needs a moment to get his wind back.
Clearly shaken by how badly the fight seems to be going for his posse, the bulldog takes another shot at Hexe. It is far less effective than the first.

While the shot rustles her hair as close as it passes her, she dodges it instead of relying on shielding this time.

realizing that Murdock struggled to deflect that last blow she maneuvers her way between him and the woman, using her body to provide him with cover 

Arbiter Dox
Murdock seems visibly taken aback by this. The assassin growls and tries to dart past her, but Esta is ready for this and intercepts her.

Dr. Skren
Dr. Skren sneers at the thug "You like the fancy little robot? Too bad. Looks like she doesn't like you. And neither do I, for that matter."
She then points the multitool at him and presses a few buttons

Arbiter Dox
The thug shrieks in pain as he's jolted by the modded multitool. He's still standing, but looking a lot less certain of his position.

Pea Pod
Seeing the thug give this cool kid a hard time Pea Pod turns his camera towards it and snaps another picture. Then he runs up to another vehicle and leans on it for stability.

Arbiter Dox
As the lifedraining darkness envolopes him, the thug grits his teeth. He looks like he's not got much left at this point.
The grenadier hog turns to the group at the door and approaches, bearing another explosive. This one looks home made. It explodes near Hexe and Skren.
The haggard thug stands back for long enough to be clear of the Boomer's projectile, and then goes for a stab on Hexe.
Given no clear alternatives, the assassin moves to strike at Esta, raking with her blade.

Hexe tries to get herself between the explosive and the Doctor and manages to before it explodes which leaves her open to the switchblade aimed at her. Now she is the one gritting her teeth as it almost hits her body, but at least the Doctor is safe.

Arbiter Dox
Esta is able to block the incoming attack for Murdock, who takes the opportunity to hold his hand up, palm forward at his assailant. An energy projectile fires from his prosthetic, slamming into the assassin and sending her flying backwards. 

Despite two grave hits, Hexe remains combat-ready and grabs the thug's wrist holding the switchblade with one hand. She twists it in a fluent movement, disarming him  while the palm of her other hand comes to rest at his chest. After a split second, a visible impact shakes the Thug who collapses in front of her.

Arbiter Dox
The bulldog sees how the fight is going and fucking bolts.

moving after the assassin, she swings at the woman hits her but misses with the 2nd strike, a brief looks of irritation flashes on Esta's face. 

Dr. Skren
Skren gets closer to Hexe, points her multitool at her again to recharge her shield and whispers "I... thank you for shielding me... I'm so sorry you keep having to do that..."

Hexe turns around, a sad look on her face before she nods reassuringly at the Doctor before she focuses on the fight again.

Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks through his viewfinder sees Rawlins and he takes another picture but this time the darkness just surrounds him, almost like it created a bit of a barrier. Then Pea Pod turns a little bit and gets one of the thugs in front of Rawlins in the viewfinder and snaps a picture. The darkness shoots out of the lenses and imparts on the thug pain and anguish

Arbiter Dox
The afflicted thug looks up to Pea Pod as the picture is taken. To add to the bad time Pea Pod brings him, Rawlins follows up by snapping on his safety, flipping his grip on the gun so that he's holding it by the barrel, and pistol whips the shit out of that thug, knocking him out. 
The Boomer, now surrounded and practically alone, holds up his hands in surrender.
The assassin stagers backwards to try to get out of Esta's reach. "Buncha fucking worthless dipshits," she growls as the last of her backup surrenders. She tosses down an object that causes a bright flash of light, temporarily dazzling anyone looking right at her, before she vanishes under a cloaking device.

Esta steps forward to go after the assassin, then stops as she disappears....

Arbiter Dox
Murdock shields his eyes, keeping his prosthetic arm extended as he looks around for the assassin. After a moment, he lowers it. "Think she's gone." 
More than half of the Havoc gang is left wounded in the pub's parking lot.
Rawlins looks around and says, "Sheeee-it. What a mess..."
Murdock approaches Esta and nods. "Thanks for the assist there."

She nods back and quietly says "it wasn't any trouble" and takes a step back towaes the pub.

Arbiter Dox
Rawlins walks over to Skren and Hexe. "You alright?"

Hexe is still looking at the position where the woman vanished and leaves the talking to the Doctor. She checks the thug at her feet who still seems to be knocked out. After a moment, she is back at that rat woman's side.

Dr. Skren
Skren slaps her own cheeks a bit to ward off the tipsiness. "Yeah, we're fine. This kinda thing happen often?"

Arbiter Dox
Murdock replies, "Well, I appreciate it all the same."
He turns his attention towards Pea Pod. "Some snazzy camera work there, friend."

Hexe's eyes turn towards the camera as well. That thing, that person can be dangerous.

Arbiter Dox
Rawlins shakes his head. "Not often, but it ain't the first time. Fuckin' cops around here are worthless."

Dr. Skren
"No surprise there" she replies

Arbiter Dox
The ratman adds, "Speakin' of, they're probably on the way as we speak. If you're someone who'd rather stay outta their sight, better let us know now so we can stow ya."

Pea Pod
Pea Pod looks up from the camera display. "Thanks, its kinda a hobby."

Hexe nudges the Doctor subtly at those words.

Dr. Skren
"Good call. That's a yes."

Arbiter Dox
Murdock smirks at Pea Pod's reply. "Hell've a hobby you got there."
Rawlins and Murdock get together, exchange fist bumps, and confer with each other privately for a moment. When they're done, they go to the rest of the group. Rawlins speaks up. "First've all, you ain't payin' for any food, drinks, or rooms for t'night at least. All on the house. Murdock'll talk to the po-po, I can take ya'll back in the pub and show you a spot they won't harass ya."

Pea Pod
Pea Pod nods approvingly, and says "thank you."

Arbiter Dox
Murdock checks the back of the truck, where the Havocs' loot is left. "Blugh, gotta figure out who had what. What a pain in the ass."

Spotting the bag of stolen goodies Esta walls over and grabs it pulling out her minimal cash and offers it to the others.

Dr. Skren
Skren looks at Hexe and nods.

A rather monotonous and mumbled 'Thank you' can be heard from her.

Arbiter Dox
Over the next hour or two, several things happen. All hectic and disorganized and disheveled, but eventually they get done.
First, Rawlins guides the group into a back room where he says the police won't bother them.
Then he works on getting the stolen property redistributed to the bar patrons.
Meanwhile Murdock talks to the police. For a very long time.
Afterward, the cars caught in the crossfire are evaluated. A few people get to be very annoyed about the grenade shrapnel in their cars.
But eventually the chaotic night comes to a close.
And thus are a group of four newcomers welcomed to the town of Terry's Crossing. 

They Fight Capitalism, session 1

It's an average night in the town of Terry's Juncture, a rural town on the planet of Hearth. Fields of grain growing to the south, dense forest to the north, and the town nestled comfortably in the middle. 

On one odd corner of town there are three large windmills looming over four buildings; a garage, a pub, a warehouse, and a small private home. Every roof is covered in solar panels, and a few large groups of stand-alone panels line the dirt roads between the buildings. The doors have been sized for a very tall user with about 9' of clearance. There are buttons to open the doors on every public building to allow entry for shorter visitors.

Our story begins, like many others before it, begins in a tavern. This is a huge building that serves as pub and hotel for both the locals and travelers. The exterior is a simple wood building. The entryway has a simple sign with chalk writing declaring the following:

Here are the rules:

1. Don't be an asshole

2. Take fights outside

3. If Murdock tells you to get out of his chair, you get out of his chair.

4. Staff reserve the right to veto music

There is muffled pop music coming from the well lit interior, along with the inviting smell of food cooking.

Pea Pod

A very tall very thin squirrel person dressed to the 9's with a black suit long red hair walks into the tavern 

Arbiter Dox

The interior is warmly lit by several hanging lamps. The shelves behind the solid bar boast an impressive variety of beverages on display. On the opposite wall is a large, open fireplace. It's early autumn, not quite time for there to be a fire there yet. There's an old plush couch with cup-holders on the armrests, a pair of normal sized armchairs, and one huge armchair that looks beat to hell arranged around it. There are also a few tables with chairs haphazardly arranged, all of which clearly get moved around frequently. One wall is dominated by a large flat screen display, and the opposite contains an old jukebox. There's an entrance to a stairwell that goes both up and down in one corner.


I slim well muscled opossum person enters quietly following several feet behind the squirrel and almost unnoticed in the noise.  Her fur line reaches in a v up from her nose into a mohawk shape the fur line reaches into her collar.  Loose clothes and sturdy sandals.  She makes her way to an innocuous corner.

Arbiter Dox

Behind the bar is a rat man in a vest and shirt with red tie, about 5'5" tall and of average weight. His fur is grey, and a nasty looking scar runs over his left eye. There's a piercing in his left ear.

He catches the newcomers' eyes and nods quietly. 

As Esta gets into her seat, a young, slim cat woman with calico fur in shorts and a midriff revealing shirt approaches, brandishing a notepad. "Evenin'. Can I getcha anythin'?"


Etsa nods and just loud enough to be heard by the Cat..."a serving of whatever it is that smells so good, and something local to drink if you please"

Arbiter Dox

The waitress sniffs the air for a moment and says, "That'd be some pork chops an' a local, comin' right up. Anythin' else for ya?"

The ratman barkeep catches Peo Pod's eye. There are several bar stools open, as well as a few tables.

The flatscreen is on the local news for the moment. "--expecting clear skies for the remainder of the week. This'll be a great weekend to get out and about if you have the chance."


to the waitress "I think that will do, thanks"

Arbiter Dox

The waitress nods. A little later she's back with a beer. "Food'll be out inna bit."


Two women without much visible luggage enter the town. The smaller one is speaking to the taller one in a low and slightly annoyed voice while they approach the inn.

The smaller one is wearing a coat which collar covers her nose checks the sign.

"At least something went well for a change. Rule 3 could not make it more obvious. That should be the place."

She does a mocking bow and gestures towards the door as if inviting her companion to enter but ultimately takes the first step into the pup herself, glancing over the audience before she makes room for her companion to follow.

Arbiter Dox

The news on the flatscreen continues. "In other news, more local stores have been targeting by the Havocs. This marks the sixth store robbery in two weeks credited to the gang. In a statement today the local martials cite a lack of resources to explain their inability to capture the bandits. The latest store hit was--" the news goes on.

Dr. Skren

The taller one, a medium height, but somewhat scrawny looking rat woman, groans in response.

She's wearing what can only be described as a mix of a lab coat and what fans of early 2000's sci fi movies think hackers wear.

Arbiter Dox

Dr. Skrene and Hexe find the interior sparsely populated. The barman nods as they enter.

Pea Pod

Pea Pod heads to a bar stool takes out a tablet and introduces himself to the rat man. "Hello my name is Pea Pod, your name?"

Arbiter Dox

"Call me Rawlins, friend," the barman replies. "Can I pour you somethin'?"

Pea Pod

"Rawlins you say, R a w l y n s?"

Arbiter Dox

The barkeep raises an eyebrow. "Yep, that's m' name."

The waitress approaches Skren and Hexe. "Hey there, ya'll need a table?"

Pea Pod

Pea Pod pokes on his tablet. "Well Rawlins I will have a tall glass of water, gotta stay hydrated while on the job" 

Arbiter Dox

The barman nods and produces a glass and fills it with tapwater. "On th' job, huh?" He murmurs as he fills the glass. "What kinda job's that?" Pea Pod's glass is served.

Dr. Skren

Dr. Skren looks up "Oh, yes please. And I already know I'll be having a... whatever you suggest for strong drink."

Arbiter Dox

The waitress nods and beckons for Skren and Hexe to follow, setting them in a booth next to a mohawked possum woman. "Right, so, shot a whiskey for you--" she nods to Skren, "--and what for you?" She looks to Hexe.



A pause before she seems to remember something.

"Thank you." she hurries to add.

Dr. Skren

Skren nods approvingly

Arbiter Dox

"Alright. One sec," replies the waitress.

A little later, she returns with a tray. She passes the shot glass and whiskey bottle to Skren, and then moves the next table over to deliver a plate of pork chops to Esta. "Enjoy, ya'll let me know if you need anythin'."

Pea Pod

"Well you see I am investigating some strange happenings around here." Pea Pod takes a big gulp of water. "Do you happen to know anything about people seeing lights in the sky, eyes in the forests, weird sounds, even cattle mutilations?" 

Arbiter Dox

Rawlins chuckles at that. "Buddy, folks've been talkin' about that kinda stuff for years around here. Just bored people makin' up somethin' t' be interested in." He pauses, then adds, "Though I have heard the Greenfield ranch up a ways east's lost some cattle recently, so..." He shrugs. "I dunno, there's always some kinda weirdness happenin' out here."

Dr. Skren

The rat woman pours herself a shot and downs it in one go before turning towards the girl. "And yes. I know I fucked up. At least partially."


Hexe uses the time while the Doctor pours and downs her shot to let her gaze (and sensors) wander across the room.


after thanking the waitress once again Esta tucks in taking slow and deliberate bites, and keeping an ear open.


"We made it. Next up is meeting this person here. Blame won't get us anywhere. Improvement does.", she replies coldly.

"And while you did..."

Her eyes narrow slightly.

" was probably more of a matter of biting off more than we could chew than actual incompetence. I know you are good in what you are doing." her voice is softer now, but the more gentle expression on her face is gone after a split second. 

Dr. Skren

Skren takes a deep breath. "Yeah. Thank you."


"That aside... the locals are getting suspicious. We stand out. And so do or booth neighbour and the one in front of the bar. Don't look.", she continues in a slightly lower voice which tone is also back to the colder and yet emotionless voice.

"Let's find Murdock and get out of here."

Dr. Skren

The doctor twitches, just barely resisting the urge to look.

"Found him already?"


"Assuming rule three and the prominent armchair? The squirrel at the bar might have the size, but is not wide  enough to fill that chair and also not a local. Thus I deduct he is not here. Ask the barkeeper. And be careful, he might have rifle below the counter." 

Arbiter Dox

The low murmur of the bar is suddenly interrupted as a loud bang sounds from the front door. A man with the face of a pit bull confidently strives into the tavern, rifle in hand as a ragtag gang of thugs enter the bar. The leader shouts, "WAKE UP FOLKS, IT'S TIME FOR A STICKUP!" He points an old hunting rifle around the room.

The thugs fan out, brandishing weapons. "Time for the Havocs' slice! Just pass us your money and no one has to get hurt!" 

Dr. Skren

"Seriously? Can't we catch a fucking break?" she whispers to Hexe


"I might have to violate pub rule 1 and 2, Doctor."

Hexe does not even look at her companion anymore but stares at the rowdy newcomers.

Dr. Skren

"...yeah, wait a second to see if the barkeep can handle it, but otherwise... you go, girl."

"Just... be careful and don't overdo it, please"

Arbiter Dox

Most of the bar patrons have put their hands up. Behind the bar, Rawlins looks around, frowning. Including their bulldog leader, there are seven of them. 

The leader approaches him and says, "Open the cash register."

The barman sighs and complies.


very slowly raises hands like to locals around her

Arbiter Dox

One of the thugs, a tall weasle man, comes up to Skren, Hexe, and Esta. "Cash in the bag, now." He holds a plastic bag in one hand, a switchblade in the other.


glances at the blade, then the 2 people near her, and just as slowly as she raises her hands she slowly lowers one.  whispers to the thug (in hopes to get his attention) "I'm reaching for my cash"

Dr. Skren

"Stay calm, Hexe." she then urns towards the thug and empties her almost empty wallet which is only slightly more than what's needed to pay for her drink "Wow, really worth it, huh?"

"Bet you're proud of yourself for such a big haul"

Arbiter Dox

The pit-bull leader waves the gun. "Faster, rat!"

Rawlins starts adding cash from the register to his bag.

The pack leader looks over to Pea Pod and sneers. "You too, fancypants."

The weasel man snatches the money up and says, "Bigger haul than yours, loser." He turns his attention to Esta next. 

Pea Pod

Pea Pod will follow instructions

Dr. Skren

Skren grunts and pours herself another whiskey


Hexe does not move an inch as ordered. She has one eye on the switchblade, the other one on the thugs further away.


Esta moves her hand down to her bag and rummages around mumbles to herself, “my money is in here somewhere”, to the thug again in a whisper trying to get his attention off the others “you won’t get more off me then the others”

Dr. Skren

"This ain't worth causing a huge stink" Skren whipsers to Hexe after downing another shot


The switchblade-eye now is on the shot glass. Hexe slightly curls her lips.


Esta, finds her cash and passes it over backing away a step or two and putting her hand back up

Arbiter Dox

Over the next few minutes, the Havoc thugs move through the bar, collecting wallets, purses, a couple of watches and bits of jewelry. Once they're done, they start filing out, the leader shouting, "So long, suckers!" And cackling as he exits.

Once they're gone, Rawlins picks a pair of pistols up from behind the bar and starts moving toward the door. "Don't worry folks, management's on th' way. Anyone wanna join th' firework show?" He strides confidently to the exit.


Hexe's raised brow asks the Doctor an unvoiced question.

The faint smile of her mouth adds the subtle but of course also unvoiced 'Called it.' regarding the barkeeper's pistols.

Dr. Skren

Skren nods silently, downs a third shot and gets on her feet


Esta nods and steps forward

Pea Pod

Pea Pod taps a few things quickly on his tablet and then puts it away finishes his water, and then walks towards the door


Hexe follows reluctantly.

"Are you sure we should not just let the others handle it? And I want the non-drunk answer." 

Short pause.


Dr. Skren

"I honestly just wanna see what's gonna happen. My guess is that we're about to meet Murdock"

Arbiter Dox

Outside, Rawlins leans beside the door as he watches the hoodlums sprint towards an old beat up truck. The leader gets into the driver's seat and turns the key.

And turns it.

And turns it.




Hexe's coat rustles as she shrugs and follows. She has another look at the robbers, looking for the one who would supposedly have the longest range.

Arbiter Dox

Suddenly a gigantic man appears next to the driver's window--a cloaking device being deactivate.

This is one of the Stonesiblings, the natives of the planet Nox. He stands a bit over 8' tall, with broad shoulders and mottled, granite gray skin. His eyes are sunk deep into his skull, with dark rings around them. He has a flat nose and a broad, square jaw with a set of five blue crystal embedded into them, chiseled to near symmetry. He's currently shirtless. There's a small hole in his chest, and it looks like at some point he was nearly bisected; a crack runs through his side, held together by huge metal staples. He has a smoke in his mouth; the smell suggests it's a roach rather than a cigar. His right arm is a heavy robotic prosthetic.

Behind him a spherical robot hovers, about a foot in diameter. It has two anti-grav panels on its side. It wears a black pirate hat, complete with a skull and white feather.

He holds up a recently detached car part and says, "Hey fellas, you're gonna have a hard time drivin' off without a crankshaft. Maybe you aughta take it next door to my garage?" 

"Th' fuck?" The leader is dumbfounded for a moment, then shouts, "Fucking kill that rock!"

Rawlins says to the group gathered, "Now's the fun part." He twirls his pistols and approaches the thugs.

Dr. Skren

Skren turns towards Hexe and smirks. "Called it!"


She just slightly tilts her head in response, while internally a lot more happens.

Pea Pod

Pea Pod quickly gets out his tablet again, idiot he thinks to himself, and taps a few things on it.


Esta doesn't say anything shrugs her shoulders and escrima sticks from under her partial robe .

They Fight Capitalism, Session 7

The following afternoon is spent in relative ease as Murdock, Rawlins, and Marle figure out how to go about interviewing folks around town a...